Something About Fridays

Start from the beginning

"Did you know that a blue whale's tongue can weigh as much as an elephant, now isn't that something."

"Yup, really something." My eyes widened as I caught a glimpse of the dealer's arrival. "Look, there here." 

"It's about damn time, let's go."

We rushed our way over to the dealing and identified ourselves as police. Of course, everyone split up like roaches which just made my job a hell of a lot harder. "Go get the dealer, I got this one," Higgs instructed. I followed command and chased after the idiot who decided to deal in broad daylight. Eventually this chase came to an end. The dealer was cornered between me and a brick wall. "Hands in the air!" I commanded. "Now turn around slowly."

Seeing him face to face I didn't expect him to look so young. He must still be in high school.
"Look I don't want to hurt you. You seem like a good kid just mixed up in some pretty bad stuff. If you cooperate this doesn't have to-."

He made an exit to a building with a broken window. I shot at the floor before he could reach there in time.

"Fuck, Jesus, okay, okay," he knelt down with his hands covering his head."

"Try that shit again and you wouldn't like where the next bullet goes," I say cuffing him.

"You alright, I heard a gunshot." Higgs expressed his concerns whilst trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, just was dealing with this slippery bloke. What happened to your runner?"

"Fast fuck escaped. I almost had him I swear." Higgs explained, still panting.

"You know, I did tell you to lay off them burgers."

"Ha-ha very funny, let's just get this prick back to the station."

Brielle's POV:

I rang the doorbell patiently waiting for Rowan to answer. "I'm supposed to be coming over for movie night," I reminded.

"Right, I'm sorry I must've lost track of time," she laughed and directed me over to her room. Her desk decorated with books and art laid on the left side of the wall. Curiosity got the better of me and I headed over to see her artwork. It was hard to make out almost like she drew it in a rush. If I squinted my eyes and tilted my head to the side, it looked like a dead body in the middle of a road but at first glance it resembled more of a young deer. I don't even think she knew herself what it was. Almost as if she was fighting different realities.

"They're pieces of my dream I'm trying to put together. As soon as I wake up, I try to draw it as best as I can but the memory slips from me," she explains picking up the disorganized papers and putting them in a folder.

"They look like something out of a nightmare. How long have you been having them?"

"It started recently. Haven't been able to have a good night's rest since but enough depressing talk." She laid on the left side of the bed and patted the right. "Are you going to help me pick a movie?"

Campbell's POV:

"Didn't know selling drugs was a part of your high school's curriculum, Matthew." Higgs threw the packet of drugs on the interrogation table. You know this can land you in prison for five years, maybe three, if you be a nice little boy and bend down when told."

"Higgs!" I scolded. "How about you wait outside huh. I have it from here."

He scoffed and picked up the drugs, "always taking all the fun," he grumbled to himself.

Once we were alone, I hoped to get him to open up. Eventhough this wasn't my case Higgs might be right about finding a connection to Anna. They did go to the same school after all.

"I'm guessing you're good cop?" He says leaning back in the metal chair, smugness practically dripping off of him.

"That depends on you. If you answer my questions without any fuss, you could walk straight on out of here and go on about your merry way. Though if you prove to be difficult, I'll have you on the fastest bus to prison. For both of our sakes I hope you choose wisely."

He scoffed and repositioned himself in the chair, leaning closer to me. "What do you want to know?"

"The drugs, who is your supplier? Is it someone else at school, a friend maybe?"

"I don't do friends," he stated coldly. Besides my supplier left me high and dry. I was just trying to grab some quick change selling the leftovers that piece of shit left me."

I could care less about this guy's breakup. Is he connected to Anna?

"Did you start dealing the beginning of this year?"

"No, I started this summer."


"You wouldn't happen to know a girl named Avery, right? She's about 5'5, dirty blonde hair, well dressed. She goes to your school."

"I might've seen her around, why?" he pulled back from the table now slouching in the chair.

If it wasn't for my experience with working with guys like this, I would've never noticed his poker face. He definitely knows her. Friends or exes? If they do know each other on a personal level, then it is possible that he knows about her car break-in and maybe even the true cause of it. So many secrets and lies. What exactly happened in this town? I recalled what Higgs said in the car earlier today and for the first time I felt a puzzle piece being put in place.

"Where were you the night of July 21st?" Matthew had a dumbstruck look on his face. "Don't remember, that's okay I'll be happy to jog your memory. It was a Friday the same Friday that Avery's car got broken into the night at the hospital." I watched intently as he tried to remain calm, but the eyes really are the window to the soul, he was scared shitless. He clenched his jaw in a poor attempt to not let any of his emotions slip through.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Why would I break into some random girl's car?"

"I was hoping you'd answer that for me. You're only going to make this hard on yourself if you don't come clean," I warned. He remained silent. "Fine," I got up out of my chair and made my way to the door. "We'll just look for your car once we go over the CCTV footage. I must say that's one beauty of a car you got. Black first-generation Camaro Resto, not many of them on the streets nowadays. I bet you pick up a lot of ladies huh," I reached out my hand to turn the doorknob, but I was stopped.

"Wait," Matthew blurted, causing a smile to creep to my face. One he didn't manage to see due to my back still facing him. Once I gathered myself, I turned around to hear what he had to say.

"...I can give you something bigger." 

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