Chapter 35: Shoot for the Sky

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Upon returning to Cricket's home, the gold was returned to the rightful owner, and the Straw Hat Pirates got back on board the Going Merry. Two ropes were connected to each side of the Merry, although they hung limp between the two much larger ships that flanked her.

Ryoko moved to the front of the ship, eyeing the strange-looking bird, "Hello there. Aren't you a beautiful bird?" She says before eyeing the chain that was connected around his foot. "I'm so sorry about all this."

"Isn't he so weird? He always has to face south." Luffy exclaimed grinning widely, finding it very funny as he poked the bird's beak to face away from the south only for it to snap back to looking south. Luffy laughed happily as he dodged out of the way of the bite that the creature tried to do. "It's so weird!"

Ryoko pursed her lips and grabbed the boy by the back of his shirt, "Luffy, leave the south bird alone." She says pulling him a bit away before looking at the bird, "I'm so sorry about him, he's just excited to see new things. He doesn't mean weird, perhaps cool is a better word." 

The bird looked at her before letting out a few short, distinct calling noises, "Jyo jyo jyo." The small doctor who stood just beside the two taller humans and the south bird looked up toward it, "He says that he doesn't like being poked."

Ryoko nodded in understanding at the statement, "I would think not. You also don't like being chained to this ship now do you?" She asked as she released the young captain who puffed out his cheeks towards the older woman. "Jyyyyoooo." The bird responded seemingly to the woman. "Oi, I don't like you speaking about me like that." She says crossing her arms and the bird's eyes seem to widen.

"You can understand him too Ryoko?" The small reindeer at her side asked, looking up at her, meeting the warm gaze that she sent down to him, "I can, however, you do a great job relaying his messages to the others. It's probably just 'cause I am a bird too." She says with a chuckle before looking back to the bird.

"Now, I would like to offer an alternative possibility for this travel, if you would let me." She speaks calmly to the bird who remains silent as if listening to her, although his eyes narrowed slightly in distrust. "I wouldn't want to be chained to the banister of the boat either, I would be willing to free you, so long as you would help us go directly south. Not far. You are entirely free to leave as soon as we get to the knock-up stream. You could also come up to the sky island with us if you would like. At worst, you could always fly back to the island if you don't like it up there." The bird looked at the woman before making the same strange-sounding call as before, "Jyo jyyoo jyo jyo jyyyooo." Ryoko nodded her head softly and began to unchain the bird's talon.

"He says that he'll stick around, as long as Luffy doesn't keep messing with him," Chopper says looking toward the young captain as the woman freed the bird who immediately hopped onto her back and landed multiple quick strikes on the captain's head before flying up in the air a bit to avoid Luffy trying to grab him.

Ryoko straightened up and put a hand on Luffy's head, "He has every right to be upset, you all did go and capture him." She says before looking up at the bird who landed on the banister behind her again, "While you were right to mistrust people, not all are going to be hunting you. I ask that you give our group here a second chance. I won't let them bind you again alright?" she says offering her arm toward the bird who eyed it for a moment before biting onto her hand.

The doctor beside her immediately panicked seeing the seeming attack, however, the woman sighed softly and reached over to scratch the bird at the base of his head, "Listen, it'll be okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I won't poke or prod or force you to do anything, but I could really use your help." Two taloned claws wrapped around her forearm as the beak released her hand, "There we go." She says gently as she moves across the deck toward the tangerine trees, and allows the bird the option to hop off her arm.

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