Chapter 3: Embers of Memories

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After some time had passed it was now a bit after sunset as Ryoko and Ace finished drying all the gun pieces. Ryoko went about systematically putting each part back in place, humming quietly to herself a song she remembered from many years ago. Some emotions stirred in her mind as a few images ran through her mind like posters flying past her eyes, unclear but noticeable. A small smile flickered onto her face as she continued working while her tools. She reached the end of the song, or at least what she could remember in time with her finishing reassembling her gun.

"That's a pretty song, where did you learn it?" Ace asked leaning on his hand once again, but this time watching as the gun got reassembled quite quickly and efficiently. The song had sounded ever so slightly familiar but was curious as to the expressions that kept flicking across the girl's face. 

Where did she learn it? Ryoko's brow furrowed in confusion, "I don't think I learned it at all..." She says crossing her arms over her chest as her eyes stayed fixed on the intricate rifle that she had just finished putting back together, eyes narrowing. "I suppose it could have been heard by you anywhere if I did learn it somewhere." She says glaring down at the gun before reaching out and picking it up to place it back in the case. 

Ryoko looked at the gun one last time before clasping up the case around it and slinging it over her back. She turned in her seat and got up, "There were words, I can't quite remember them though. The melody is nice nonetheless." She says with a chuckle as she headed for the door to the kitchen.

"You said you were a hundred times better than earlier, but you're limping says otherwise." The boy says from his spot at the table, causing the sniper's hand to stop on the door knob. Letting out a hum she then opened the door and headed out into the colder night air. 

She glanced towards the bow of the ship once before looking over her shoulder, "A hundred times zero is still zero." She says calmly before moving out of view from the doorway. Making her way to the stairs once more she glanced up at the door leading into the room where Nami and Vivi were likely already sleeping. Ryoko let out a grumble of frustration as she clasped the railing of the stairs and began to go back up the stairs, which at least felt easier than going down them earlier. Once at the top of the stairs, she glanced down to the deck where Ace was standing looking up at her, "probably should rest up, I feel like we are going to be doing a lot of walking. The boys sleep down the ladder there, I'm sure you could sleep in the dining area if you prefer."

The boy rose a brow at her phrasing, "You said we, are you planning to venture into the desert with us?" he asked eyeing the burn on the girl's leg for a moment before looking her in the eyes.

Ryoko leans onto the railing to look down at him, "I am not going to be left behind again." she says a scowl gracing her face as she glared feeling a boiling sensation in her chest, "I didn't lie when I said I have had worse. I'll just have to figure out something so I am not a burden." she adds before letting out a heavy sigh towards the man.

Ace shrugs his shoulders at that, "Well if you think you can, by all means, you can certainly try. It won't be easy even for the rest of us. So think about it before you decide you want to try to make that trek with us." he says before going over to the door which leads back into the kitchen, "Night." He says with a hand wave before going back inside. Moving over to something like a couch of sorts he flops down on it looking up at the ceiling as he thought to himself before hearing the quiet squeaks of the floor above him and shuts his eyes to try to get to sleep.

Ryoko had stood there for a couple more moments glaring at the spot where Ace had disappeared inside. Finally, she turned around and moved over to the door, opening it to find the two girls were currently awake, although clearly chatting while having laid down in their beddings. Ryoko moved over to where she slept, on the opposite side of the room from the duo, and set her case down before turning around and sitting on the cushioned bed table thing she had made. She was rather proud of the invention she had made out of two tables she had found, and a bunch of padding which for most people would not be comfortable, but she could sleep just about anywhere. She sighed and pulled her right leg up under her blanket and laid back allowing her left leg to dangle off the side, not touching anything so the balm wouldn't rub off. She put both arms behind her head, clasping her hands on the back of her head and relaxing into them, her eyes slowly shutting as she listened to the quiet chatting of Vivi and Nami. A small smile crossed her face as she fell asleep after a little while, "We'll help you stop this fighting, Vivi. I swear."

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