Chapter 28: Rainfall

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Ryoko opened her eyes slowly, looking up to the clear sky before something hit her cheek, she swiped it off and her brow furrowed. "Mud?" she mutters to herself. Her words barely reached Vivi who stood only a few feet in front of her.

"Rebel army! You must stop!" Vivi yelled towards the approaching, "This fight is a setup! Please look down, you must listen to me!" She screamed to be heard over the charging soldiers.

Ryoko looked towards Vivi's back, even though her garments were flowy, tension was visible in her shoulders. She moved to stand behind and between Karoo and the princess before clapping her hands together causing a earsplitting boom to rumble out from her. "LISTEN!" she thundered, voice echoing out toward the rebels.

"LEADER!" Vivi cried arms stretched to the side as if trying to block the army, the man leading the charge on the back of a horse stopped only a few yards away as he pulled the reigns back. However, while the man and those behind him suddenly stopped, many continued forward toward the capital.

"Vivi, you explain this to him, I'll go and stop the others," Ryoko says putting one hand on the girl's shoulder before turning and launching forward with wings spread. As she soared through the air quickly, she began to pass the slower-moving camels. 

She flew in front of the stairs and swiftly turned to face those approaching quickly. Her lips were drawn into a scowl as another boom of thunder rumbled through the clear sky. "You need to stop." She calls out toward the camels as the riders push them forward. Thunder boomed from the sky above causing her eyes to briefly flick upward as she noticed some more mud drop from high above.

She pulled her rifle off her back and held it up toward the sky by the barrel, she then swung it down on her right side before changing her hand and completing the circle. Some sort of thick mist trailed from her hands following the path she had drawn, before she reached her hand into it and snapped. Lightning arced outward toward the walls that rose on either side of the steps, clouds following the spider-webbing electricity. "Squall Line," Ryoko says lowly as thunder boomed out. Leaping through the small hole she had left in the center of her starting point she moved toward the camels. "Stop or turn back!" She yells spinning her rifle into her hands pointing her gun straight upward and firing. One of the arcs of lightning that had been crackling behind her hit the bullet and followed it on its trail up into the sky. 

There was a beat of silence before Ryoko looked upward and felt her heart sink. Falling from the sky now was a large chunk of fulgurite which was being followed by sand and mud. The thing that made her happy to see was the rain that followed after it all. She didn't have much time though and quickly sprinted forward into a dive roll as the fossilized lightning slammed into the ground where she had been stood only a few seconds before. The sand that had been falling mixed with the rain, and began to splatter across the ground. "This fight is over do you understand!?" She yelled towards the now-stopping camels and riders. "The rain will fall on all of Alabasta once again!" She exclaimed slinging her gun back over her shoulder, "Crocodile kept the rain from falling with sand in the sky! This storm he can not stop!" 

The squall line behind her broke and faded as thunder boomed louder through the quickly growing hole in the sky. Clouds began to pour through the hole, muddy rain falling first before clean rain fell in sheets onto the ground and every open surface washed away the mud. Ryoko then looked back toward where Koza and the Princess were, "Vivi! We should get to the palace!" She yells before thunder booms overhead.

Through the rain ran the princess and childhood friend towards the woman, "We should talk to Chaka as soon as possible. There is a bomb to find before noon." She says quickly. The man next to her looked serious and concerned at the news. The trio began up the stairs quickly after Koza told his men to no longer engage against the royal army.

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