Chapter 1: A Heated Encounter

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Keep moving.

Act natural.

Getting back to "The Going Merry" was more of a challenge than the girl had originally thought. Her head was swimming despite being in the port town known as Nanohana, at least that is what she had remembered Vivi calling the town when they had approached the island. 

Underneath the white flowing garb that she had been given by the princess, a powerful rifle lay hidden and out of the direct sunlight. Her friends had scattered while being chased by the Marines, but she had not been able to catch up with the group before they scattered. Or more accurately. Her captain ran off on his own, once again, this was no surprise at this point. 

"And now I've even lost Luffy... Perfect." The girl muttered while clutching her side bag to her chest, speed walking through the streets to avoid too much attention. The sunbleached leather briefly heated up her hands before cooling down when the sun no longer shined harshly onto its surface. 

"Why did he have to run off by himself?" The girl sighed, pushing her crimson braid back under the fabric that covered her head, her two crystal earrings lightly bumping against her cheek and neck as she turns quickly to look up at a sudden shape being launched into the sky. "Well, that makes it easier I guess?" 

Beginning to run toward where the individual had to have been launched from, sharp blue-silver eyes darting around looking for signs of her captain. Getting to the top of the hill where the man had been launched from, she noticed something stretching from the dock, towards "The Going Merry... Shit, they left without me..." She says before shaking her head to try to clear it before running down the hill and heading after a group of individuals that were heading away from the docks. Buildings passing her and momentarily blocking her sights on the moving group she had to keep moving. Slipping through a few alleyways she slips slightly on the sandy ground before skittering back onto her feet as she was hit with the pungent smell of too many perfumes. Her head swims before she pulls the white veil-like cloth over her mouth and nose, to try to at least block out a bit of the overpowering smell.

Keeping her eyes on the individuals, she quickly maneuvered through the streets towards a cape which it seemed like the Merry was heading past. In a smaller harbor-like area were five different ships, "perfect" she thinks aloud before quickly and quietly making her way toward the farthest of the ships. The plank was up and the boat had begun to move, she ran along the side and leaped towards the side of the ship. Her gloved hands barely clutched onto the edge of the top deck, boots trying to find traction. Pulling herself onto the deck quickly and quietly she began to duck behind barrels and crates before quickly climbing up a rope that went to the crow's nest. 

The Billions that were on the deck had noticed the girl as she started to climb, one went immediately to try and follow her up the rope ladder but was sent toppling to the ground as the girl sliced the ropes at the top. White cloth wrapped around her face and fluttered in the wind, "Focus on the Straw Hat Pirates!" one said from below, "she can't go anywhere, any time soon. We can deal with her later." Perhaps the man was the leader of this vessel, or perhaps that is what he was telling himself.

The crimson-haired sniper stood within the crow's nest before feeling something hit the back of her head lightly, slowly turning her head revealing a rather disgusting-looking man who certainly had suffered some illness on the sea. In his hand was a pistol which was now aimed right at the girl's wide eye. "I got her boss!" the man called causing the girl's lips to twitch down, hidden under the cloth was a scowl that contradicted the scared wide eyes of the girl, her body lurching forward ducking barely out of the way of the shot. From her crouched position, she grabbed the man's leg and lifted it, causing the man to lose his balance and fall out of the crow's nest, and tangling in the rigging below. "I... don't got her..." the wheezing voice of the man could be heard, clearly winded by the fall.

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