Chapter 34: Going for Gold

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Ryoko felt the cold night air rush around her, the sweat on her body immediately feeling like it froze her skin. She ran to the railing and swiftly hopped over it, as her feet hit the grass she was in a run. Completely ignoring the other pirates as she focused on the man in front of her, "Mister Cricket," she called as she slid to a stop next to him and immediately crouched down.

The man, who lay face down on the ground, slowly turned his head to look at the woman who crouched next to him. "What are you doing here?" He forced out with a cough, his body tensing as he wanted to stand and keep fighting, but his body betrayed him. "You should be out... looking for a south bird." He continues, eyes feeling heavy.

"No one told me to wake up to do that. Please, stay lying down, you're hurt pretty bad." Ryoko says softly, before glancing toward the group who was looking toward them. The same cocky grin from the bar showed on the blonde man's face, his fists still slightly covered with the blood from beating up on the trio. "Another little straw hat, didn't we already teach your crew to stay out of our way? You know, when we beat up your weakling of a captain." He cackles the look of chaos in his eyes beginning to show more.

Ryoko held her tongue as she reached into her side pouch and pulled out a roll of bandaging, which she began carefully wrapping the older man's head. Her eyes flicked over the other injuries that littered his body her face remaining neutral despite her mask. She could tell from the way he spoke, he was trying to provoke her into action, and she wasn't gonna fall for that bait.

A sharp pain radiated across her scalp as someone gripped her by the base of her braid and yanked her to her feet, "The captain's talking to you, you better listen." Her eyes turned to look toward the pale blue-haired man from earlier, the one whom she had heard offering to buy Nami out of the crew. She was then easily tossed onto the ground away from the old man and toward the crazy blonde.

Ryoko pushed herself backward and onto her butt, not even wanting to kneel to get up, not in front of this man, "I was listening, I just didn't have anything to say in response. Your crew did beat up the captain, the first mate, and even the tailor. But if you think that is all it takes to stop the crew, you are sadly mistaken." She says calmly, although her blood is boiling, she shoves herself with force onto her feet.

"You're lucky we don't beat you up too! Show some respect!" A man from the crew exclaimed, before gripping the back of her head and attempting to slam her head forward. However, Ryoko reached back and gripped the arm of the man as she dug her feet into the ground and she pulled him forward, causing him to become off balance and topple forward. Not releasing his arm she turned it and stepped her foot onto the back of his neck at the base of his skull. "I am respectful until you prove yourselves not to be worthy of respect." She twisted the man's arm a bit further.

"Stop! Stop you're gonna break it!" He cried out in pain, he reached back with his free arm and attempted to draw his firearm, only to find it on his opposite waist. "That's the point." She says calmly before having to release the man as a glint of light catches her eye, and dodges a giant knife that dug into the ground where she had just been standing, "Rude." She says as she spun around to stand behind the knife-wielding man, "And you said you were gonna buy my friend." She says before dodging the knife that swung back toward her face. 

She leaped backward, landing next to the two ladies standing outside the circle, pulling them both to her sides, "You laughed at her." She says to the red-haired one and turns to look at the blond, "And you tried to use me as a footrest." she says before hefting them both toward the knife wielder who drops the knife to keep them from hitting their faces on the ground.

"Spring-Spring: Sniper!" The crazy captain exclaimed launching forward with great speed, aiming a punch toward the woman's chest only for her to sidestep and watch as he launched off of a tree, breaking it in half. "You slammed my friend's head, through a bar taking advantage of his naivety." She says dodging around the second attempted attack on her. She drew her revolver as she rolled out of the way of the knife that was swung at her face, moving back closer to the trees as she aimed and fired the first shot into the knife wielder's hand causing him to drop it and cry out in pain.

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