Chapter 33: Looking Up

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After having confirmed with both women that it was okay, Ryoko brought the burlap sack into the shared room and set it down next to her desk. She could hardly wait to see what was inside the bag, but figuring it would be best to wait until the ship made anchor again, she headed back above deck. 

The woman sighed as she laid down on her stomach at the side of the ship, head peeking out between two of the balusters and looking down into the water. She turned her head to look at a wooden facade building as the ship pulled up close to the coast and made anchor. "Such a strange house. Built right on the edge of the island and in a semi-circular shape too." She thinks to herself as she looks back to the water and hums in thought as she is semi-aware of the fact her friends are getting off the ship. She freed herself from between the balusters of the railing, before hopping onto the land once again.

She sat down near the water's edge, looking over toward her friends as Luffy opened and entered the home after calling for the homeowner. "Luffy! Don't touch any food in there!" She exclaimed although she knew better than to try to tell him to stop entirely. Once Luffy had exited the home and joined her at the water's edge she looked into the water, seeing bubbles coming to the surface. 

She saw a man swimming upward toward them, acting before the young captain. And she quickly swung her left arm into the boy's chest, sending him flying backward as she tossed the revolver back toward Usopp. She took a deep breath as her left leg was grabbed and she was suddenly pulled forward toward the sea, she reached up trying to grab the edge but she was pulled into the water.

She clenched her jaw, holding her breath as she looked up toward the water's surface. The silver layer of light reflected on the waves that lapped at the side of the island above her, as she slowly blinked, the seawater irritating her eyes. Someone would come to get her, surely. 

Her body felt sluggish as she tried her best to move despite it, grasping weakly at the side of the island only to get pulled away by the current. She then hit the side and a few bubbles of precious air left her lips. She pulled her knees slightly up to her chest and put her hands over the back of her neck and head. 

She almost let out a sigh of relief as she felt someone grab the collar of her top, and start pulling her up to the surface. As her head broke the surface she let out her breath and gasped in a deep breath. She was pushed slightly more out of the water and she gripped onto the grass and dirt as she pulled herself a bit more out of the water. She looked back to meet the gaze of Usopp, who had leaped into the water to get her. She rolled over on her back as she got her torso down to her waist, out of the water.

Ryoko reached over and grabbed the boy's hand, "Thanks... Usopp..." She gasped out as she pulled him back onto land as well. She then flopped back on the ground, looking up at the sky as her chest heaved and she tried to get her breathing back under control. "I... Hate... Sea water... now." She says tiredly as she shuts her eyes for a moment before opening them and glancing over to Sanji and another blond who seemed to have started fighting. 

Her eyes darted around as she looked for her revolver as she pulled herself onto her hands and knees. Her eyes landing on the glint of gold in the grass and she moved and grabbed it quickly before reaching into her sash and pulled out a bullet. Pressing the cylinder release she, flicked open the cylinder she put the bullet in and flicked it back in place before taking aim toward the man. She saw him draw a pistol from his back pocket, and as he went to fire it straight at Sanji's face, she pulled the trigger. 

The pistol in the man's hand discharged the shot as it was sent flying out of his hand, the bullet that was fired imbedding in the ground nearby. The older blonde suddenly collapsing, "Ryoko! What did you do!?" Usopp exclaimed in fear that she had killed the man.

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