Ch 11: The Heir of Cyra

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Elowen thought that arriving with Princess Avangelique on horseback would cause a commotion. She feared they'd be mobbed by guards or other ball attendees trying to get a good look at the princess. 

Instead, the princess led the horses to a side entrance of the castle and handed them off to a stable boy before she led them to a secret door in the side of the castle. Once they were inside, Avangelique straightened her robe.

"Let's go find Estefania," Avangelique said. "Or do you want me to get someone to show you to the ballroom? The guests should be slowly gathering there, but it's still early."

Elowen only pondered it for a moment. She'd rather slip into the ballroom when it was full than have a grand entrance with her name announced. And if she stayed with Avangelique, she could meet Fletcher's betrothed. 

"You want me to tag along?" She asked.

Avangelique smiled. "Trix spoke highly of you, and I believe my sister needs friends. After all, she's been in the desert for so long by herself." 

Elowen's chest tightened when she thought about Estefania. The princess couldn't marry Fletcher. There was something unnatural about the union that made her skin crawl. 

Still, she followed Avangelique through the Cyran Castle and up a stairwell behind a tapestry. The stairs let out behind another tapestry that Avangelique held to the side so Elowen could pass through before she followed her into the bright hallway.

Avangelique marched onward and knocked on a broad blue door at the end of the hallway. The princess only waited a few moments before she pushed the door open and led Elowen inside.

The bedchamber was large and ornate. Pure white furs covered a massive bed and all of the furniture was painted robin blue like the door. A woman no older than Elowen sat on a fur-covered chair with her dark hair loose around her embroidered pink robes. 

"Steffie?" Avangelique rapped her fingers on a sideboard covered in sticky meats and round biscuits. "You don't look ready for the ball."

Princess Estefania de Sahar raised her head, and her cold brown eyes locked on her sister. Elowen's breath caught as she stared at the princess. Estefania's bronze skin practically glowed in the candlelight without cosmetics. 

"Do you want me to call for maids to do your hair?" Avangelique asked. "What will Grandmother say if she sees your hair loose like a woman with her lover?"

"Grandmother isn't coming," Estefania said. "I just received the message. Her illness has progressed too much. Father won't leave her side. After the third ball, he wants us to come home immediately."

Avangelique's perky smile cracked. "We're going to Sahar?"

Elowen wondered how long it had been since the sisters had been to their homeland. Avangelique clutched her hands together and watched Estefania with anxious eyes. Her sister only shook her head as if to rid herself of any romantic notions before her eyes dropped on Elowen.

"Ava, who is your friend?" Estefania's voice thawed. 

Avangelique's smile returned. "This is Elowen of Nene. A friend introduced us. I wanted her to meet you."

Estefania rose from her seat. She was taller and certainly more regal than Elowen. She'd often heard the countess and her daughters refer to stunning women like Estefania as proud peacocks putting on a show. However that description didn't suit Estefania. Elowen thought instead she looked like a mighty swan, majestic but deadly if provoked. 

"Elowen," Estefania said. "How did you meet my sister?"

"We were at a dress shop," Elowen said. "I needed some alterations, and then Avangelique wanted me to come with her."

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