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Kate's hopes sank after Ben spoke. It seemed like her entire life would always be chasing the slippery truth.

“We don’t know where the Purist went,” she said.

“The guard could find him.” Ben opened his eyes and gestured at Thomas. “Sometimes I was present at purifications of Purists. They don’t give much away. They have a perception of righteousness, even though they do want to recruit more people to their cult." A terrible smile played on his face. "One tried with me. You have to admire the balls of someone who attempts to convert a priest. The problem is that I like carnal things a bit too much. If they believe you are open to their path of suffocating virtue, you might find this Purist. They all know each other. Or they can point you in the right direction. But you will only find their truth, not what is true. We all have our own answers.”

Kate tried to untangle his web of words. “So we should ask any Purist?”

“You could.” Ben shrugged. “But they’ll probably send you in circles. Better to talk to one who might know the man. If there’s one thing the Purists want, it’s their message spread. Probably why they involved a reporter and a traitor.”

Kate worried she was getting ensnared in a poisonous situation. “Can’t you tell us if this is real light or only in our minds?”

“Whatever I tell you, you’ll perceive what you want,” Ben said in an indifferent voice. 

Her temper reached its limit. She ripped off her glove and went over to Thomas. He eyed her before removing his and reaching for her. She gave a defiant glare to the former priest before gripping Thomas’ hand. As his gentle fingers clutched her skin, a golden glow sparked in the air above them, bigger than had ever appeared before.

“Holy shit,” Matthew said, who rarely swore. “What... how?”

“You see this?” Kate asked Ben while unable to look away from the impossible light. “What is it?”

Silence followed her question. She stole a glance at Ben and winced. His attitude disappeared as he stared into the light. The gold swallowed his dark eyes until he let out a moan. Her rage shrunk when she saw his genuine terror at what he was seeing. She let go of Thomas and remorse filled her.

“I’m sorry. I know this can't be easy for you.” Thomas' soft voice made her jolt. Someone who devoted their life to the Eternal Light, then rejected it. No one understood the terrible power of it better than Ben or Thomas. “It would help us a great deal if you could tell us what we are seeing.”

Ben’s foot tapped repeatedly on the hollow floor. “What wasn’t real is real. It infects us all. We’re all seeing what isn’t there. We’re all seeing what is there. We’re all seeing the end.”

In seconds, Matthew was beside Ben with his arms wrapped around him. “Go!” He glared at Kate and Thomas. “The Light isn't good for him. You’re making things worse for him. If you want answers, find the Purists. They can help you. Or stay away from us. Do what you want, but leave.”

Thomas bowed his head and let go of Kate, extinguishing the Light. “I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

Kate’s heart clenched. “I didn’t realize...”

“You didn’t want to realize.” Matthew never looked at her, keeping his focus on the man he loved. “Maybe there was a reason he didn’t want you to touch. He sees things that we can't. You can take his advice or do what you want. But he's damaged enough.”

“I’ll go,” Kate said, her throat tightening at the crack in Matthew's voice.

She reached for her hat, hating herself. Matthew was her best friend and the last thing she wanted was to be the reason for more hurt. Once again, looking for answers never helped.

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