Episode 16

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Chris: *recap blah blah blah blah* 

(Intro plays)

(Cut to Phoebe outside Sobbing and Kayla comes out)

Kayla: Phoebe! What's wrong, you okay? 

Phoebe: They think I'm manipulative..

Kayla: why?

Phoebe: Because I got everyone to vote Corey..

Kayla: Why did you do that though?

Phoebe: *sobbing* I didn't wanna deal with her and Quinn's negativity, how was I supposed to know Him and Quinn made up.

Kayla: *hugs her* there it's okay Phoebe.. it'll be alright I can get Lulu on your side.

Phoebe: *with puppy dog eyes* Will you form an alliance with me?

Kayla: *falling for it* Yes, I'm down, poor thing..

(Kayla confessional)

Kayla: I feel so bad for Phoebe this game has not treated her well at all..

(Phoebe confessional)

Phoebe: Kayla is so gullible.. *evil laugh, 

(Cut back) 

Lulu: You, trust Phoebe?

Kayla: Well, yeah.. she hasn't proven any reason not to. 

Lulu: She's been so suspicious all game!!

Kayla: But, She- She was crying!

Lulu: Yeah crocodile tears!!

Kayla: *pissed* Did you really just invalidate her emotions like that? The games treated her horribly!

Lulu: Kayla-

Kayla: *pissed* What?

Lulu: All I'm saying is I have got a bad feeling about her, she has convinced many people to vote others off by whatever she's doing, and it's always worked! 100% of the time!! 

Kayla: That's just a coincidence!

Lulu: No, it's not! Look, I got a scholarship to Howard University. I'm not an idiot!! Being homeschooled my parents taught me alot about who I could and couldn't trust!

Moon: Yeah, Lulu's got a point Kayla!

Eli: Yeah, Kayla I know you want to make friends but seriously, You need to be wary of who you let in and out!

Kayla: *angry* YOU KNOW WHAT! When your friends try to control who you can and can't be friends with, then that's the end of being friends!

(Kayla storms off and Lulu sobs and runs into her cabin)

(Cut to Phoebe Talking to Quinn)

Phoebe: Hey, Quinn! 

Quinn: *irritable* What do you want? 

Phoebe: Kayla and I are in an alliance and need extra numbers!

Quinn: Why Me?

Phoebe: We saw how you dominated the last challenge, and we're a great asset to your team during the merge, we could use your help! 

Quinn: Well, sure you got a deal..

(They shake hands) 

Phoebe: Great! 

(Quinn confessional) 

Quinn: Okay I know she's playing me, but with Corey being voted off I need a couple allies, cause without Corey I have no clue how loyal Jack And Lucas really are! And you know what they say, "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.." *evil laugh*

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