Episode 2

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Episode 2:

||Chris: (does recap Blah Blah Blah)

*We cut To the boys cabin on team Erratic pelicans, in there we have, Flynn, Henry, Jake, Asher and Eli*

Jake: Our team has more women then guys you got to be kidding me. 

Eli: I don’t get what the problem is Mate, The ladies could carry us Lads to victory.

Jake: You don’t get it. They will only be slowing us down. I insist we make a guys alliance and get them out of here.

Flynn: *snickering* Yes but first lets axe Eli over here, his british accent is hideous!! *Flynn and Jake burst out laughing*

Eli: Oye Mate! Don’t make fun of us brits! We can crush you with our many teapots!

*Flynn and Jake burst out laughing*

Flynn: Alright fine I like this guy he’s funny.. To laugh at!!

Jake: *Laughing* Let’s keep him around for a while, could give good content, what do you all say. Guys alliance to vote the pretty Ladies off?

Asher: Hey it is my duty as a strong capable man with lot’s of muscles to protect them and keep them safe like the princesses they are. 

*awkward silence then Flynn and Jake burst out laughing*

Flynn: Look at this dude!!

Jake: What about you Eli?

Eli: Sorry I’m out I only ally with fellow brits so I’m going solo!

Flynn: Fine. How about you Henry?

Henry: Ugh I don’t know, eliminating them all, that’s a lot of work isn’t it? I’d prefer to just rest and chillax

Jake: And get voted off?

Henry: Sure, the less work the better.

(Jake and Flynn give Henry a “why are you even here?” look.)

(Jake confessional)

Jake: The pretty ladies all will want me by the end of this season. Too Bad I’m gonna get them all eliminated before they can get there hands on me. You Know I Like Flynn, sure he doesn’t hide his meanness but hey, have you seen me? I’m the strongest hottest hunk ever, Of course he’d die to befriend me and form an alliance. Who wouldn’t. I’ll keep him around till he outweighs his usefulness. *laugh

||(cut to the girls side of the “Erratic Pelicans” Cabin)

Kayla: How does my Hair look? Be honest. Unless you think it looks hideous.

Zoe: Wow Kayla, not Bad!

Lulu: *in awe* Its mad gorgeous..

(Lulu confessional) 

Lulu: I’m so good at hiding my crush on Kayla.

(Zoe confessional)

Zoe:  Lulu’s Crush on Kayla is so fucking obvious. Lucky for her Imma work my magic a bit and pair the two up.

(cut back to cabin and Zoe forces herself inbetween the two and snaps a selfie and shows it to them)

Zoe: Look at you two together, your both gorgeous when your together. Its almost as if your like a.. Power couple. Yeah.. *winks and makes it awkward*

(Kayla confessional)

Kayla: Lulu is so sweet, You Know I really don’t understand why she is talking like she’s High but nobodies perfect. And she rocks short hair better than any girl I’ve ever met. And Her makeup, Just chefs kiss!

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