Episode 14 (Merge)

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||Chris: *recap blah blah blah*

(Intro plays)

(The campers walk in the lunchroom and Chris is there)

Chris: Good Morning Campers,

Quinn: *annoyed* What do you want?

Chris: I'm here to tell you sitting at your team tables will no longer be necessary!

Moon: Why?

Chris: Because teams are no more, Now it is everyone for themselves! Now everyone go to there confessionals and give me any thoughts you have about the game or what you would do with the money! We will be using those next episode!

(Quinn confessional)

Quinn: yes! I was so tired of My team weighing me down!

(Kayla confessional)

Kayla: Even though it's now everyone for themselves I hope to spend some quality time with Lulu!

(Lulu confessional)

Lulu: I think I actually have a shot at winning the season! A Lot of the skills I learned from being homeschooled we're really helpful in the Premerge so I hope they can help me win some challenges!

(Eli confessional)

Eli: I am determined to win the money for Hannah!

(Evan confessional)

Evan: I want to win the money So I can pay for performing arts school and major in theatre!

(Jake confessional)

Jake: I want to win the money so I can buy all the pretty ladies way into my heart..

(Jack confessional)

Jack: I might actually have a shot at winning the money! I plan to use my insane sword wielding skills to take me all the way to therapy!!

(Lucas confessional)

Lucas: I went from someone at the beginning who was too shy to say a word to anyone to someone with lots of friends! I have to win the Show now, Come on!

||(Corey confessional)

Corey: I'm just average so I don't see myself lasting much longer, but I want to use the time I have left in this competition to make amends with Quinn. *in love* She's my dream girl.. *dreamy gasp*

(Phoebe confessional)

Phoebe: What would I use the money on? More rope, some chains, some handcuffs, some cages, some evil monsters, just the usual. Because if being a fake Damsel in distress has gotten me what I wanted so far no telling what it could do for me for the rest of my life!! *Evil laugh*

(Moon confessional)

Moon: I want to win the money so I can go to every Broadway musical ever made without having to Rob the bank to get the money to pay for the ticket! *Nervous* I mean wait what? All those heists at the bank on 73rd street were not done by me at all! Yeah I never even heard of those! *Nervous laugh*


Chris: Now that we're in the kitchen it's time for your first challenge! The first merge challenge isn't your traditional merge challenge, it's a boys vs girls cook off!! You each will bake a dish for Chef hatchet to try, and Chef Hatchet will judge the dish and decide, who are the better cooks, boys or girls! Losing gender must vote someone off! Get cooking!

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