Episode 6

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(We open with Daniel walking on)

Daniel: *depressed* life is meaningless.. 

Phoebe: Ahhhhh!!! 

(She falls off the roof and Daniel catches her)

Phoebe: Woah you- you saved me? 

Daniel: Yeah I- I guess I did.. 

Phoebe: *flirting* your way more then a sad boy. Your actually really cool 

Daniel: *blushing* really? 

Phoebe: Really! 

(Daniel confessional) 

Daniel: *dreamy* woah Cute girl called me pretty.. did I say that happily? Woah.. that's so- so weird! 

(We cut back and Asher is looking on)

(Asher confessional) 

Asher: So the supposed sad boy is stealing my girl. I won't have this!

(Phoebe confessional) 

Phoebe: (mean girl laugh) it was all a part of the plan.. pin the next Boy I saw Against Asher. Unfortunately for Daniel he was the first boy to walk bye. *mean girl laugh, Phoebe you still got it. 

(Cut back to show we are in the lunch room)

||Quinn: (walks to table with team) ugh lets get this sorry excuse for breakfast over with. 

Moon: Yeah seriously, I think my food just moved.. 

(Chris comes in) 

Chris: Alright campers your probably wondering why I decided to join you for breakfast instead of having my normal luxury breakfast. Well there's been a twist. I need a volunteer from each time 

Asher: as a Strong capable vertile man I volunteer to protect the ladies 

Kayla/Lulu: *offended*  Um 

Moon: we don't need ya watching over us! Haven't you heard? All Broadway musicals now have a strong capable female lead!

(Moon confessional)

Moon: My one gripe with Broadway musicals Is I wish that were actually true.

(Cut back) 

Chris: and one volunteer from Crazy apes?

Hannah: I learned from Grand Chute auto that you always volunteer so I'll do it! 

Chris: Alright pack your bags!

Kayla: Are you eliminating them? 

Lulu: (laughing) I didn't think you got that desperate for better ratings. 

Chris: No, of course not! The eliminations need some actual drama! There are swapping teams. Hannah you will now be known as an Erratic Pelican and Asher will now be known as a Crazy ape!

||(Phoebe confessional)

Phoebe: *angry* Great. That ruins my plan. I was gonna get rid of Hannah next but I guess I have to improvise. I was gonna string Daniel along but now that Asher and him have swapped teams 

(Cut back to breakfast)

(Phoebe Kisses Daniels cheek)

Phoebe: Hey hot stuff, want to go eat lunch just the two of us alone.. *winks and stares at Asher*

Daniel: Yes a thousand times yes!! *Clearing it up* just to be clear when you actually propose I will say that.

Phoebe: Okay babe.. 

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