Ch. 26: A "Small Squabble"

Start from the beginning

"My turn." Lucifer said before the pentagram spun and charged up with fire.

Sera didn't back down as she created more light orbs and charged them up.

Both attacks clashed and exploded, destroying the table and further damaging the roomthe table. Both of them stood (Can't say stood tall for obvious reasons) and stared at each other.

"I don't want to fight." Sera said, sweating a bit. "I just want to know that Emily is safe."

Lucifer growled.

"She arrived here, hurt and vulnerable... you may not want to fight, but I sure fucking do." Lucifer said, "All because of YOU!"

Quickly, Lucifer flew at Sera and grabbed her by the neck. He flew up until she was off the ground, and then flew down and slammed her on the floor. He proceeded to slam her on the ground. Sera tried to throw a punch, but Lucifer caught it and then punched her, making gold blood come from her mouth.

"I have to say... I understand why Mammon says he wishes he punched you right in the beak before falling." Lucifer said, smirking as he pulled his fist back. "That was VERY satisfying."

Sera opened her wings and blasted light at Lucifer, knocking him into the air. She flew at him and slammed him into the wall. She then started to punch Lucifer in the stomach over and over until he started coughing up gold blood.

"You know... dad is going to be very mad at you for breaking one of his rooms." Lucifer said, before spitting blood into Sera's face.

"You've forced my hand." Sera said, one eye shut from the blood, "I came here looking for peace and-"

"Peace? Since when have angels ever wanted peace? All you want is control." Lucifer said, losing his smirk.

"Shut up." Sera said, growling.

"You cast her out because she didn't want to be controlled, she wanted to make the world better... but she didn't get the chance." Lucifer said, even and lacking joy.

"Shut. Up." Sera said, growling LOUDER.

"Remind you of someone?" Lucifer asked, "I do have to give you one thing... in the short time she's been here... Emily has done more good as a Morningstar than she ever did as a Seraphim."

Sera's eyes narrowed. She shook with rage, but Lucifer just began smiling again.

"One fun fact about having sharp teeth." Lucifer said, before biting down on Sera's hand.

"GAAAAAH!" Sera screamed, throwing Lucifer to the side and holding her bleeding hand.

Lucifer took the opportunity to get up and grab Sera by the back of the head. He slammed her face first onto one of the sharp pieces of the table, impaling her head. Lucifer stood up and looked down.

"Stay away from my daughters." Lucifer said, before walking away.

Since it wasn't Angelic Metal, she would live, but the pain was still VERY present as Sera pushed herself off the piece.

"Lucifer... please... Lucifer!" She called out, holding her empty right eye socket.

He didn't want to listen nor did he really care.

"Lucifer!" Sera called out, still not getting him to stop.

She gritted her teeth, both from the pain and from her "brother" not listening to her. One last gamble came to mind and she had no other option but to use it.

"SAMAEL, PLEASE!" Sera desperately screamed

This Lucifer stopped, making him turn and glare down at Sera.

"Don't call me that." He said with a growl, "You lost the right to call me that after father-"

"God is dead!" Sera shouted.

That made Lucifer stop talking, looking shocked at Sera.

"What?" Lucifer asked.

"God is dead... no one... no one but the higher ups know about it." Sera said, her face slowly healing. "Adam is in the ear of the archangels and he convinced them that Emily's actions would reveal the truth... they ordered her fall... I tried to stop it, but... they outrank me."

Lucifer looked at her, still trying to wrap his head around it.

"Father is... father is dead? How?" He asked, returning to his normal form.

"I don't know, he was found in his sanctum, only Archangels are allowed in there." Sera said, before getting back to her reason for being here, "Please...Please tell me that Emily is safe."

Lucifer walked over to her. Sera closed her eyes, expecting him to lash out. To her surprise... he helped her up.

"Emily is safe, I promised that I would keep her safe, and I intend to." Lucifer said, dusting off Sera's dress a bit. "She... well I won't sugar coat it, she hates you."

"Rightfully so." Sera said, returning to her normal form. "Please, keep me informed, I need to make sure she's safe."

"... I can make a deal with you." Lucifer said, "Not for your soul, don't worry, I don't play those kind of games. I will let you know how Emily is every month... but in exchange, you will be unable to visit her until a sinner can be redeemed."

"But... that's impossible." Sera said, shocked.

"What is this world coming to if even the angels are losing faith?" Lucifer asked, before holding out his hand, "So... will you accept?"

Sera looked at his hand... before grabbing it as mix of holy and demonic magic formed between them and exploding around the room before it settled.

"Please... don't tell her about any of this." Sera said, pulling her hand back. "I don't want her to worry about heaven."

'You don't really have to worry about that.' Lucifer thought, thinking back to the image of Emily doing a keg stand that Charlie showed him.

"And the others? You know, the other 6. They have a right to know this as well." Lucifer said, referring to the six sin leaders of the other rings.

"It's your choice to tell them but only if you can trust them, Samael." Sera said.

"I meant it, don't call me that." Lucifer said, "That version of me died when I fell."

Lucifer walked away and out of the room, without another word.

(Sorry to say this but small hiatus.)

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