Surf camp

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Pov Audrey (earlier in the summer):

Beep! Beep! Beep!

What the fuck was that noise!!! 

Ah! The alarm.

"Wait! Noooo! The alarm!" I moaned.

Why couldn't I just sleep for one day? It was summer and I didn't have to go to school.

"Five minutes more please!"

I tried to sleep. Maybe if I ignored the alarm it would disappear.

However, it kept on beeping like there was no tomorrow.

So I reached out for the damn phone on my night table, but oddly enough I couldn't find it. How strange!

I must have left it on the table opposite the window. I rolled over and repeated the process, but still, I wasn't successful.

Where had I left it?!


I slapped myself.

Last night I had put my phone on my desk, on the other side of my room so I'd be forced to get up. It was early September and given that I didn't know what to do with my life I had signed up for surf lessons which turned out to be really early in the morning. Why couldn't they be in the afternoon? I mean, the sea wasn't going anywhere!

Audrey, you sure know how to ruin a perfectly good morning. I thought to myself.

I groaned and got out of bed.

After turning off my alarm I went to the bathroom and rinsed my face. That always helped me wake up.

Then, I returned back to my room and picked out an outfit: ripped black shorts and a purple crochet halter top, of course with a bikini underneath. I also put on a pair of black Nike flip-flops. They were a bit worn out, maybe I ought to start thinking about buying some new ones.

I raced down the staircase and turned left, towards the kitchen. I found both my mom and my sister there having breakfast.

How can they be up this early in the morning?! They're mad!

"Hi Audrey" my mom told me.

My sister just stared at me with a sour face.

I ignored her. After a vast 17 years of experience, I'd learned that it was better to turn a blind eye to those people who tried to push your buttons.

Just as I picked up an apple, I looked up to the clock above the table making me choke on my apple. I was late! I quickly made myself a P&J sandwich and rushed out the door.

10 minutes later

It was 09:14 and there was only a minute until the class started. I have to say this was a personal best.

I got into the small beach house where we were supposed to register, half expecting it to be crowded- but to my surprise, it was completely deserted except for a tall boy and a girl (probably aged 19) wearing a uniform.

I examined the boy who was changing into a blue and green O'neil neoprene. I had to admit he was quite handsome. He had beautiful green eyes and surfer-vibe brown hair matching his tan skin. Next to him was the girl, I wouldn't have made out she was the instructor if it wasn't for the shirt she was wearing which contained the campus's logo. She was also pretty. (God, why is everybody hot except for me?!) She wasn't tan unlike the boy but she did have dazzling chestnut eyes and blonde hair. In contrast to the popular stereotype which defended that blondes were always mean, I could feel she was really nice and would become a close friend of mine. Just as I thought this, she looked up at me and smiled:

"Hi! Let me guess, you're either Grace, Zoe or Audrey" she asked.

"Ah..." I began "I'm Audrey. I'm assuming you're the instructor?"

Now the boy joined in the conversation and answered for her:

"Yeah. Her name is Charlie, short for Charlotte." "I'm Rafaello by the way, although everybody calls me Rafa".

"Oh, OK" "Nice to meet you both" "What should I do?"

He ignored my question.

"How come you arrived so early? There's still half an hour left until the class starts"

Confused, I gave him a strange look and looked at the wall clock just in front of me.

My jaw dropped.

I was now angry. Eager to strangle someone and that someone was my sister. I was going to make sure I got back at her for this.

I "murmured":

"Oh. She's going to get it" "I'm going to kill her. That ugly little monster"

However, I must have said it a bit too loud as the next thing I knew was that Rafa and Charlie were laughing their butts off. How evil.

"Let me guess. A sibling of yours put a prank on you and moved your clock forward" He said between laughs.

I nodded giving them a silent but deadly look.

That was enough to stop them from laughing.

I repeated: "What should I do?"

Rafa smiled at me and told me to put on a neoprene.

"You do know how to put one on, right?

Duh! Of course, I knew I had been surfing since I was in diapers.

"Obviously" I answered.

With that, I grabbed an L size, as I was tall for girls my age, and put it on. Within a couple of minutes, I was already ready. There was still a lot of time left until the class started so I decided to find out more about this Rafa, determined for him to like me by the end of the day. Not in a romantic way, if that's what you're thinking. I liked David, not Rafa, and that was not gonna change just because I met this new hot guy.

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