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Pov Audrey:

Some time later after I arrived other people started to arrive. Slowly the place began to get full so a few of us who were already equipped headed down to the beach to warm up. Basically, Rafa, Nicky, Brett, Milo, Grace and I.

After running some laps along the beach and practicing movements we got into the water. All the team was already there including Charlie, Chris, Sol, Isla, and Zoe. The water was really cold. I could feel it even though I had a neoprene through my feet which were freezing. However, it did have an upside which was that we wouldn't be running into unexpected visitors like jellyfish. I was not afraid of the sea but those things (It may sound rude) really creeped me out. Just one sting could leave you unconscious.

After surfing we went back to the beach house where we got out of our neoprenes and changed into our dry clothes.

I have to admit I am really slow. Therefore, I finished changing clothes the last one so that only Charlie and Rafaello were left.

In a hurry, I gathered all my things and marched up to them to bid them goodbye. They were by the surfboard rack having a pretty heated conversation by the looks of it (Charlie was moving up and down her arms and Rafa was laughing?).

Should I leave so as not to interrupt them? Maybe they didn't want to be disturbed.

However, all my doubts disappeared as Charlie saw me standing there and called for my attention.

"Audrey! Hi. Sorry for not seeing you there." She apologized

Oh. It's fine. I said. Anyways I have to go home, so bye!!! See you tomorrow!.

And with that I headed towards the exit. But...



I think I just bumped into a wall.

That really hurts. I thought as I reached to my head and looked up.


That wasn't any wall that was a human male. It was a six-pack human male.

I had never been so embarrassed in my whole life.

"I'm sorr-

But he didn't let me continue

"Here's my phone so you can confirm you are warn us if something comes up and you can't come" With a playful smirk he then added: "Or if you want to talk to me. You know in case you miss me, not being able to see me in the next 24 hours."

I stood there perplexed. Or was I amazed? I'm not sure.

"OK. Thanks" "I'll get you into my contacts as soon as I get home".

He smiles. We stood there in silence until suddenly Charlie's voice started calling Rafa from the back garden.

"Rafaellooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! ¡Pedazo de vago! Stop flirting with poor Audrey and come help me. This surfboards no van a colocarse solas."

I couldn't help laughing.

"I guess I'll leave you to it" I added and left.


When I got home I called my mom over.

"Muuuuum" Are you home?

As I received no response I assumed no one was home and ran upstairs to have a shower. I loved the feeling you got after going surfing and having a hot water shower. Having already blow-dried my hair, I sat on my bed and added Rafa to my contacts, sending him a surf emoji. Then I started scrolling down my Instagram feed. There were not any recent updates except for a photo of my best friend Clara on her trip to Italy. She was wearing a beautiful long openwork dress (Note to self: ask her where she bought it) and held in her hand a map of Rome, with the Fontana di trevi behind her.

I wish I could go on trips like that. I knew that wasn't going to happen any time soon as it was already difficult for my mom being single and paying for two teenage girls, to make ends meet. I sighed. I had to admit I couldn't complain about my life as there were people in horrible living conditions just as I spoke.

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