Chapter 108: A Party in Seville

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🎶 Jet Black Heart — 5 Seconds of Summer 🎶

My trip back to Barcelona wasn't really planned, but when Luis texted me that it was the soonest appointment possible on which he had been able to get a private tryout for Hamza, I hopped on the first flight from Frankfurt back home.
"Thanks again for doing this, Luis" I told him as we were walking away from the football pitch after the tryout and our uncomfortable encounter with Pablo.
"Sure, don't worry. Want me to drive you home?" he asked.
"I wish I had time for that. I'm meeting with my publisher to tell him my final decision about that last chapter and then I'm taking the last train to Madrid as I have to fly out to Miami from there tomorrow. It's all just... a mess" I sighed.
"You need to take a holiday, girl" he just said and looked at me incredulously, with wide eyes.
"Again, I wish I had time for that" I huffed.

After saying goodbye to him, me and my huge ass suitcase took a taxi to the Vanguardia offices.
"Vicky, you look awful" I was greeted by Irene, when I made a quick pit stop at my desk to gather some papers and mail.
"Wow, the stuff you love to hear from your best friend" I chuckled, knowing that she wasn't being mean.
"You know what I mean. You need some time off." she said and I groaned annoyedly.
"Not you too! I have to go now" I huffed, but still walked over to kiss her head before heading off to my meeting.

"Hello Miss Hernandez" Mr Robles greeted me friendly.
"Good evening" I replied and sat down on the seat in front of him.
"Have you decided about your chapter? We would like to go into print next week..." he asked and I nodded.
"I have." I replied and told him my definitive answer.


My Iberia flight landed in Miami around noon and I was thankful for having accumulated enough points to buy myself an upgrade to Business Class or else I would have arrived completely destroyed

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My Iberia flight landed in Miami around noon and I was thankful for having accumulated enough points to buy myself an upgrade to Business Class or else I would have arrived completely destroyed. A taxi took me to the Chase Stadium, Inter Miami's home, which was in Fort Lauderdale. I really wished I had some holidays as I soaked in the rays of sunlight and saw the people enjoying their time at the beach. Instead, my mind was already in London, which was probably going to be cold and rainy.

As usual, I took my place in the media zone and typed the introduction to tonight's article into my computer. The game was actually pretty entertaining, even though Italy was mostly attacking, and it all ended in a 1-2 for the Europeans. I saw Chiesa in the media panel after the game and he walked over to greet me.
"Hi, how are you?" he asked friendly.
"Could be better, but I'm pushing through" I replied truthfully.
"And Ga-, your boyfriend?" he asked, stopping himself from saying the name that could attract some attention here.
"He's not my boyfriend. Unfortunately. Or maybe it's better like this, I don't know" I huffed.
"Oh no, I'm sorry, maybe you should take a holiday to-" he started, but I cut him off.
"I KNOW!" I shouted and everyone turned around and he looked a bit taken aback. "Sorry, I just... can't anymore with these comments. Let's talk about the game" I sighed and hit him with the questions I had prepared.

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