Chapter 78: Supercopa 2024

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🎶 C'Est La Vie — Khaled 🎶

"But Martina, they're trying to make me look bad in front of all of Spain" I whined to my PR rep over FaceTime a few hours before the first Supercopa game. Real against Atlético.
"No, you're not. Spain is completely in love with you, the sad paparazzi pictures from after your return paint a very different picture and the public is not stupid. Listen, Vicky: Ana - she's trash. But you: you're a million dollars. We're going to be like the royals." Martina said and I looked at her with a confused face.
"Never complain, never explain. Continue with your life, go out with your friends, have fun, go to all sorts of events and just try to smile, I know it's hard, but you can't let them put you down and make you question your real value. Stand above this pettiness." she explained.
"Do you think he loves her?" I asked sadly, my head still full of that picture of Ana and Pablo from the tabloids, but she ignored my question.

"What's up with this Luis guy?" she asked instead.
"Nothing. We're friends and nothing more." I replied.
"Good. Very good. He's handsome and well-established in society. Listen, Vicky, I know this is incredibly hard and the betrayal from two people you loved must be so hurtful and I can't even imagine. No one would want to be in your shoes. But you're a woman with a brain and exceptional abilities - you can't let those two drag you down. Focus on your job and deliver, this is the only thing you should worry about. And when you come back, we'll talk about your book deal." she said and I nodded. She was right. It was my time to shine and I wasn't going to back down because of Pablo's pathetic PR machine. We said goodbye and I started getting ready.

While I was rushing downstairs to the lobby to get a cab to the stadium, I ran into Luis, who was talking to some board member.
"Someone looks ready to ace her job" he chuckled. He had probably seen my sad look and was trying to build me up.
"Who do you reckon wins?" I asked.
"Ouf, I'm saying Real" he replied.
"Great, I'm saying Atletico. Loser buys the winner opera tickets" I chuckled, remembering what Martina had said.
"Opera tickets?" he asked confusedly, but then he started laughing. "Ah, I know what you're doing: you want to be the classy girl going to the opera with your handsome cavalier."
"Ooooooor, I just really like classical music. Carmen is currently on the calendar" I said and winked, before making my way outside.

 Carmen is currently on the calendar" I said and winked, before making my way outside

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📍 King Saud University Stadium
vicky.hernandez Let's get this party started! Madrid vs Madrid 🥳 #supercopa2024

kike_hrnndz Move! That place is for wheelchairs and not your photo shoots 🙄
ireneee.grc Miss you at the office 😭
paolahrnndz omg you'll see toni kroos 😍
Replying to paolahrnddz:
vicky.hernandez Yeah, he looks even better irl!
Replying to vicky.hernandez:
luislaporta I thought you liked younger guys?!

The game started off with an early lead from Atletico and I wildly tapped everything along on my computer as the game unfolded. I watched the pitch while my fingers worked over the keyboard - I was going to edit the article back in my hotel room, but this way I'd have less work afterwards. Real answered quickly and equalised with a header by Rudiger, it was back to square.

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