Special Chapter: Eunchae Star Diary

Start from the beginning

"Are you nervous..?" Eunchae finally asked.

"A-ah, ne, mianhe.." Sei replied sheepishly, scratching the back of his head "I'm shy..."

"Oh? Wae?" A look of curiosity formed on Eunchae's face "It didn't seem that wah during your performance earlier."

"Ah, it's different..." Sei explained "I'm really shy around new people, especially you, since I'm a big fan of Le Sserafim."

Eunchae chuckled, as an idea formed in her head "But you like, Chaewon-unnie more, though!"

"Aniii...." Sei denied weakly.

Eunchae smiled warmly at him "I'm just kidding, have you watched Eunchae's Star Diary before?"

"Ne, I've watched all the episodes." Sei boasted proudly. "We're going to that room right? Where you host the interviews."

Seeing the excitement on Sei's face, Eunchae smiled "Wah, so you really did watch all of them, then wh were my guests from the previous episode, hm?"

"Ah, fromis_9-sunbaenim." Sein answered promptly "Jiheon-sunbaenim and Nagyung-sunbaenim."

"Wah..." Eunchae replied in shock.

The ice finally broken, and the nervous tension in the air cleared, they finally arrived at the interview room.

"We're here!"


In the interview room, Eunchae and Sei sit facing each other, the camera rolling.

"So, Sei-ssi," Eunchae begins, "as Sana-sunbaenim's little brother, do you feel any pressure being related to such a famous idol?"

Sei fidgets with his hands, feeling a bit shy under the spotlight. "Uh, yeah, sometimes. But mostly, I'm just proud of my sister and her achievements."

Eunchae nods understandingly. "Gwiyo. Now, you said earlier that your a fan of this show, and have watched every episode, so you can guess what am I gonna ask mext, what's your MBTI?"

Sei chuckles nervously. "I'm an ISFP."

Eunchae gasps dramatically. "Jinjja?! We're the same!"

Sei smiles, feeling more at ease with Eunchae's friendly demeanor.

"So, you're an ISFP, as well!" Eunchae began excitedly "Was it hard getting to know your members at first, when you were a trainee?"

"Ne... I used to practice alone and sit at the corner since I was so shy." Sei answered, chuckling. "It was Jaehyun-hyung who approached me first, offering me a bottle of water, after a practice session."

"Ooh, I see," Eunchae nods at him "Since we're both the maknaes of our group, are there any things you dislike being the maknae?

"Hmm, when they baby me alot..." Sei replied, a pout forming on his face "It can get overwhelming..."

"Right? And you have to act cute as well too..." Eunchae added, Sei agreeing with her.


As the interview progresses, Eunchae finally moved on to the next segment, the questions of fans from twitter.

"So, before the interview, I told your fans on twitter, if they had any questions for you." Eunchae explained, Sei nodding at her "Here they are,"

"First question, from @celestial4ever," Eunchae began "Oppa, how are you holding up to being an idol? Hope you are healthy and well!"

"Hmm, there alot of tiring parts to it," Sei began "but it's bearable since I have my members with me, there's never a dull day with them around."

"Wah, I see, this next question is from, @footballgodsei." Eunchae continued "Sei-sama, it's been awhile since I last saw you huhu, how are you doing these days, your fans will from your football days will still wholeheartedly support you in what you do!"

Hearing this, Sei's heart melted, when he first became an idol, he was unsure if the fans he had gained from playing football would take it well.

This had eased his worries greatly, causing him go smile warmly at the camera "I'm doing well, and thank you, for continuing to support me, even if I'm not playing anymore."

He gave a cute heart sign to the camera.

The interview continued, with more questions from the fans, as well as, cute interactions between Eunchae and Sei.


As the episode comes to an end, Eunchae thanks Sei for being such a wonderful guest and bids farewell to the viewers.

"Thank you, Sei-ssi, for joining me on Eunchae Star Diary," Eunchae says with a smile. "And thank you to all our viewers for tuning in. See you next time!"

The camera fades to black as Sei and Eunchae posed cutely infront of the camera, ending another successful episode of Eunchae Star Diary with Divinity's special guest, Minatozaki Sei.


Short special chapter before chapter 8.

This replaces EP 13, wherein instead of &TEAM, Sei is the guest. I took alot of inspiration from that episode and mixed it with some of my own

Chapter 8 might be awhile, but I have a long weekend coming up so hopefully I can put out more chapters


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