Chapter 19

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Now that Marcel is dead, me being the one that killed him, we just have to worry about the witches. Me being a siphon isn't going to help, but maybe I can teach them not to rely on the ancestors. Davina is going to have to learn to let out all of the power she has inside her. Right now though, right now I am going to cuddle with my small family and enjoy my time so that I don't have to worry about anything.

Davina sits straight up and screams a scream that shakes everything. I sat up with her and held her. "Davina, Honey, calm down. You have to breathe." I told her.

"Mom help, it hurts." She cries.

The door burst open with a scared looking Bonnie and Klaus. "What the hell is going on with her?" One of them yelled out as another earthquake hit.

"She has too much power and she needs to let it out. Come on sweetheart, we are gonna go to the back yard and you're gonna scream okay." I told her, lifting her up and leading her out of the house.

"I can't mom." She said.

"Yes honey, you can. Think of all the things that made you scared and turn it into anger. The witches want you dead, Marcel wanted to use you, and he locked you away to do it. You can't go out and be normal and have friends because everywhere you turn someone is trying to hunt you down." I told her and as soon as the last word left my lips she was screaming the loudest scream and releasing all of the power she had within.

"Did it work?" I heard a voice ask me from behind, making me turn to the source.

"Yeah, for now. I need someone who knows how to deal with this, someone who can help me help her control something she doesn't know how to control. I have a lot of magic, but where I have had centuries to learn to master it she hasn't." I turned to Davina and picked her up carrying her to her bedroom to sleep.

Later that night I crawled into bed ready for sleep to take me.


Blinking my eyes open I realized I was in the Salvatore Boarding house. Walking around I noticed it wasn't the present day one, but looked to be around the 90's or so. Having come here often I knew what it looked like around what decade.

I noticed that someone was here, "Hello? I'm not gonna hurt you." I said out loud.

"How do I know that? I don't know you." A voice called out from behind me.

"My name is Athena Mikaelson, yours is?" I held my hand out waiting for him to tell me his name.

"Kai Parker." He replied slowly, almost untrusting. I get it though so I won't hold it against him.

"Where are we because I'm pretty sure I am in New Orleans not Mystic Falls." I asked him.

"I am trapped in a prison world, and have been since 1994. I don't understand how you came to be here though." He said in his thoughts.

"My body is currently asleep. I need help, but I'm not sure you're the one to help me. I have a daughter and she has come into a lot of power that she can't control." I told him.

"I'm a siphon so I don't know how I can help you much. I murdered my siblings and tried to murder my parents because they didn't love the real me. My dad disowned me and basically kicked me out of the coven when he put me here." He said while looking anywhere but me.

"Well, they hurt you Kai, you don't need to feel bad about it. I'm not gonna judge you for it. I am gonna try to get you out of here." I told him as I felt myself waking up.

He nodded and that was the last thing I saw before waking up.

I gasped awake, making both men beside me wake up. "What happened?" Jeremy asked half asleep.

"Had a dream that didn't feel like a dream. I have to go do some research, you both go back to sleep." I told them while getting out of bed.

I walked downstairs to the office/library area that we made and started doing research to see if I could find him. After a couple of times searching the name Kai and not getting anything I thought that maybe it was a nickname, so I tried Malakai Parker and found the article about him killing his siblings in Portland, Oregon. After I found that I went to the witch cookbooks as Damon likes to call them and immediately started looking for a spell to release him. I found a grimoire from the Gemini Coven and looked through it, finding out that I needed the exact ascendant that was used in the original spell. Damn it.

I tried the astral projection thing again, muttering a spell this time.

Prison world

"I can get you out of here, but I've hit a bit of a problem Kai." I told him.

"You need the ascendant and you can't get it." He replied looking down in defeat.

"Is there a replica here?" I asked him.

He nodded, pulling out what I assume is the ascendant from a hiding spot. "I will get you out of here and it will be soon." I promised him closing my eyes going back to the real world.

When I opened my eyes I noticed that it was now daylight outside and I was starting to feel myself getting tired. I closed all of the books that I had opened and went back upstairs to lay back down. 

Waking up later I felt a little more refreshed and went back down stairs to research exactly where this coven was. I knew that they had their reasons for locking Kai up, but at this point I'm beginning to wonder why they weren't locked up as well. Locking up someone you don't know is one thing, but your own child is another.

Walking into the study I realized how quiet the house is. With Marcel gone and Davina not keeping the witches at bay, I'm sure there are going to be some fights. So with a sigh I speed upstairs and put on some decent clothes, and rush to my car to hopefully reign them all in before anything bad happens to anyone. 

Twisted Love - Tyler Lockwood/Jeremy GilbertDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora