Chapter 17

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The next day the contractor showed up and everyone walked out of the house. After Davina signed the contract they walked outside. "Thank you Mr. Daniel, we appreciate it." Davina said as she walked him to the door.

"You're welcome, Miss Mikaelson, have a nice day." He replied, then got in his car and left.

"Alright, may we come in now child we would like to go back to bed." Nik said in a tired voice.

"Nik, it's one in the afternoon. How could you still be tired?" His boyfriend questioned him.

Nik shot him a glare before walking to the door, "Please little witch I would like to go to bed." He gave her a small smile.

"You may come in Uncle Nik." Davina's eyes widened in surprise at what she said, but before she could apologize Nik beat her to it.

"Thank you niece of mine, still gonna call you little witch though." He pat her head and then ran to his room. We all stood wide eyes and jaws on the ground not expecting that response from him, but slowly one by one we all got invited in.

We all went separate ways for a while until the doorbell rang and we all just kind of looked at the door. I rolled my eyes at how weird we were all being and went to the door. If it's Marcel or one of his minions I just might kill them. I opened it to none other than Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore. "Davina." I called.

She walked over to me, "You may come in." She said then walked back to her seat before stopping mid step. She turned around with a fearful look on her face. "You're a witch." She gasped out. "Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry."

"Davina, she doesn't belong to that coven or any coven for that matter sweetie. You're okay." I held her as she got her breathing calmed back down and looked at Bonnie. "Marcel was using her to locate all the witches that used magic when they used it so that way he could kill them publicly." I explained to the ones that didn't know. I heard a couple growls from my two lovers and they both sped over to us and held us.

"Wait a minute, how much have we missed?" Bonnie asked with Damon nodding along with her.

"Well, Tyler, Jeremy, and I are together, Jeremy is a vampire, I adopted Davina, Nik woke up our brother Kol, and Marcel is after her. We have the house in her name so she is protected." I told them, "What have we missed?" I asked them, eyeing them both.

"Bonnie and I are together, we ran into the Augustine society and found out that a guy named Enzo is still alive after I left him for dead, he and Caroline have been hanging out, and Matt Donovan is now a deputy in Mystic Falls. I want to move here though, it seems like more drama." Damon says.

"Well, the witches are after Davina, Marcel is after Davina, and they are all wanting to die is what I'm going with. I have gotten a call from Marcel and he threatened me so he is top priority at the moment." I told them all. We were all quiet when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Davina said, getting up, just to be pulled back down by Kol.

"No way, someone else will Darling." Kol told her, then looked at me making me sigh and get up.

When I opened the door there wasn't anyone there or around, just an envelope laying outside the door on the ground, so I picked it up and took it to Nik. "Here, your names on it." I told him then sat back down.

"It's from Marcel, he is having a party and we are all invited. Davina needs to come is what he said. Well, if I have a say in it my niece will go nowhere near this wretched man until he is gray and veiny and can't hurt her." Nik said.

"I don't want to go, but if I'm staying home then wouldn't someone need to be here just in case?" She asked us, looking around at everyone.

"I can stay. I don't like Marcel, and he doesn't know I'm awake yet. Makes the most sense for me to stay here." Kol said.

"If you're sure you're okay staying home," Kol nodded at me, "Alright, Kol and Davina are staying here. The rest of us need to find clothes that are formal and will stand out. This may be his party, but I will be damned if he is the center of attention tonight. Bonnie, I know you are a strong witch so I need you to be attentive and fast acting if something happens if you're good with going. If you aren't okay with going, I would like to ask you to help Davina with her magic." I told her.

She looked at Damon and he nodded to her, "I'll stay here and teach Davina what I know. She is strong, but she lacks the confidence boost when it comes to doing a spell. No offense honey, you just have a lot of power and you are good at controlling it for the most part. I don't want the part that isn't confident about it to come back and bite you in the ass." Bonnie said.

I looked around the room before getting up and grabbing the hands of my two lovers. "We are going to get dressed. Nik, what time did the invitation say to arrive?" I asked him.

"Eight tonight sister." He replied, also standing along with Stefan.

I smirked at him, "We will be arriving at ten." I told them before walking up the stairs.

We made it to our room, and while they sat on the bed I went to the closet and started pulling out clothes.

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