Chapter 8

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The next morning I was woken up by none other than my phone. Rolling over I answered and put it to my ear, "Hello?"

"Hey I heard you were back in town." The voice of, you guessed it, Tyler rang through the speakers.

"Yep, what's up?" I asked getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen.

"Can I come over so we can have that conversation? I know I'm probably getting on your nerves, but it's bothering me a little bit not knowing." He sounded out of breath, like he was nervously running.

"Sure, I'm in my pajamas though." I laughed a little.

"That's fine, unless you want me to just come by later."

"Tyler, just come over." I said hanging up.

I made myself some coffee and threw my hair in a messy bun before hearing a knock on the door. I opened it to a sweaty Tyler, I was right he had been running.

"Come on in, sweaty." I laughed, gesturing for him to come in, "Can I get you a bottle of water or a cup of coffee or something?" I asked walking to the kitchen.

"Water please." He followed me. "So this conversation, what's it about?" He asked warily.

I took a deep breath, "Well, now that Nik and I have broke the curse we can change wolves into hybrids. You would be half wolf half vampire meaning no daylight ring and no turning on full moons. I was going to ask if you wanted me to turn you. I don't know the full extent of the turning, but I have turned once before I was turned into a vampire." I finished waiting for him to make up his mind. "Also, to turn I will have to kill you for you to wake up a hybrid and you have to drink Elena's blood." I told him.

"I'll do it, but before we do anything. Why did you want to ask me? Why didn't you just do it?" He asked me.

"In all honesty, I want to give people the choice. I didn't get one, so I'm trying to in a sense right a wrong I guess." I told him as he nodded. I walked to the cabinet and got a glass before biting into my wrist and letting blood drain into the cup. I slid it to him, "Bottoms up." I said walking around the other side of the counter.

After he drank it he grimaced and before he could say anything else I snapped his neck. I caught him and carried him to the couch and waited for him to wake up. While waiting I put Elena's blood into a cup and took a shower. I walked into the living room just in time for Tyler to be waking up.

I brought the cup of blood to him, "Here, drink." I sat down on the table in front of him. I watched as he downed the cup and his eyes flashed yellow and he had fangs as he screamed.

"How do you feel?" I asked worried about him.

"I feel great, thank you." My eyes widened slightly.

"What is it?" Tyler asked worried.

"You're sired to me. I can keep it in place or I can break it. If I don't break it you will feel like you owe me something." I told him.

"How do we break it?" He asked scared.

"Turn until it doesn't hurt, turn your emotions off, or I tell you to forget about me and move on with your life." I told him.

"Keep it for now." He said with a confident voice. "I don't know how I would turn my emotions back on, I definitely don't want to feel that pain, and I don't want to forget you. I want to get to know you better." He said.

"If that's what you want, that's what we will do." I got up to go get a blood bag and he followed me. I poured the blood into two cups and gave one to him. After watching him slowly sip on the glass I figured it wouldn't be bad for him to be around humans. "You can go home and shower and we can meet at the grill later. You should be good to be around your mom and other humans. If you get the urge to kill anybody, don't obviously, come find me and I'll help walk you through the urge. Alcohol also helps." I told him.

"Okay, see you later then." He said before walking out of the door.

I left and went to the Salvatore house, walking in I met the nastiest sight. "Please for the love of god take it upstairs next time. Damon, we need to talk, get dressed. Elena, you're a bitch. Get dressed and leave, now!" I said before walking to the study knowing there would be alcohol.

I waited patiently for about five seconds before screaming at Damon again to hurry his big ass up.

"There is no need to be rude. Now what can I help you with?" He asked sarcastically.

"Stefan stayed in Chicago with my brother. They are together and I swear if you are mean to him I will find new ways to torture you." I threatened him.

"Stefan's gay and in love with Klaus? Nice, when will he get home?" He asked me.

I let out a relieved breath, "I have no clue-" I got cut off by Stefan yelling that he was home and had news.

Damon and I sped to the front door where Stefan and Nik stood. They looked happy as ever and as the best friend and the sister of the two I am ecstatic for them. 

"If the news is that you two are together, then I already know." Damon said while pouring us drinks. Stefan and Klaus stood there shocked. "Yes I support you two. We have a problem though." He downed his drink before continuing, "Elena is a bitch and I think she is becoming a problem." He poured himself another drink.

"Bitch please, you were just balls fucking deep in her before I kicked her ass out!" I yelled at him.

"Let's not go there please."

"You were fucking her?" Nik was as confused as Stefan, the only difference was the fact that Nik spoke his thoughts while Stef was the one to silently. I have always admired that about him and that is why he is my best friend.

Twisted Love - Tyler Lockwood/Jeremy GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now