Chapter 15

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Tyler and I were sitting in chairs in front of the bed talking when Jeremy gasped awake and looked around the room looking for us. I jumped up from the chair and ran downstairs to get a blood bag for each of us. "Well, well, what do we have here? Blood bag instead of a human, they really have changed you sister." I heard Nik say from behind me.

I finished grabbing what I needed and turned to leave the kitchen, "Dear brother I have no clue what you are talking about. Now if you will excuse me I am needed upstairs by my lovers as I would expect you to be." I ran upstairs before he could say anything back. "Here you go my loves' a blood bag for each of you." I said handing them to the guys and sitting next to Jeremy.

"I'm scared, what if I'm a ripper?" Jeremy looked at both of us with a scared look.

"We don't know the outcome Honey, and it doesn't matter. What matters is that we love you and that we will protect and cherish you through this process. If you happen to be a ripper, we have one right down the hall that can help you to control the hunger." I told him while side hugging him.

"We will also help you through it. Training is going to be fun and I am going to get joy out of kicking your ass." Tyler said coming to his other side.

Jeremy gave Tyler a look of admiration and took a sip of the blood before slowly finishing the blood bag. After we all fed I looked at Jeremy and flashed my vamp face at him and he did it back before laughing. Our laughter got interrupted by the shrill noise of my phone ringing. Marcel. I knew who it was before even looking at it because I've been expecting him to call me.

I picked my phone up and clicked answer before bringing it to my ear. "Where is she?" He all but growled into the phone.

"Safe and sound not in the attic Marcel. I raised you better than that. Keeping that poor girl in the attic to do your bidding so you can control the witches. Let me tell you something Marcel, I don't stand for that shit." I was seething now. "Not only that, I bet she didn't even know you were killing them one by one, did she?" I asked him, knowing the answer already.

"No, and I would like to keep it that way. You will not tell her about that Athena."

"Or what Marcel? You're gonna kill me? Call Mikael again? Kill the people I love? There is nothing you can do to me. You don't want me as an enemy Marcel because you will lose." I told him before hanging up the phone not wanting to hear anymore from him. I got out of bed and went to Davina's door and knocked.

"Come in." She called, and I opened the door.

"Can we talk?" I asked, sitting on the bed.

She nodded, coming to sit by me facing me. "I have to tell you something about Marcel and the witches." I said softly. "Marcel has been using you to find out when they are doing magic and then he kills them public execution style." I finished.

She stared at the wall more than likely in shock before looking at me with tears in her eyes, "I know I said I didn't care if they died, but knowing I am literally the reason for it is horrible."

"I know sweetheart, believe me I know exactly how you feel. I want you to know that Marcel isn't going to hurt you anymore. I want you to sign a lease to this house, that way not just any vampire can get in." I told her.

"If everyone is okay with that." She said.

"Well, let's call a family meeting." I told her getting up and going into the hall.

"Everyone in the living room in thirty seconds, no less!" I yelled before rushing to Davina and then rushing to the couch.

Right as we sat down everyone came into the room. "Damn it sister, did you have to yell so loud?" Nik said, rubbing his ears.

"Yeah Babe, still getting used to this sound shit." Jeremy said while also rubbing his ears. Whoops I forgot about that.

"I'm sorry Honey, I forgot you weren't fully adjusted to the sounds yet." I flashed him my award winning smile and blew him a kiss. "Jeremy is a vampire now by the way." I said looking at Stefan and Nik. "Now, for the real reason for this meeting. I want Davina to sign a lease making the house hers so that way she isn't in any danger. I know she is a witch, but she doesn't have the reflexes or the enhanced senses that we have." I told them.

They all looked at each other and nodded once before Nik looked at me. "Okay." Then he walked out of the room with Stefan behind him. I never liked when he was in his moods.

I shook my head before looking at my men, "So that's it then? I need to call someone to come out here?" I asked them, throwing my hands up.

They nodded looking confused, "Isn't this what you wanted?" Tyler asked me.

Well yeah it's what I want that's why I'm so confused right now. Why didn't he put up a fight? Why didn't he wait until I was just about to give up before he agreed? This isn't Nik, and I want to find out why he's being like this. I looked at Ty, "Yeah it is." I got up from the couch going in the direction they went which ended at their bedroom door.

I knocked, "Can I come in?" I asked through the door.

"Yeah!" I heard a voice call and I opened the door. "Why didn't you put up a fight, Nik?" I asked him. "I was kind of hoping you would." I asked him walking over to look at his latest painting. It looked like the boys, Davina, and me but it wasn't finished.

"I care for her Thea, and I overheard your conversation with Marcel." I winced, damn it. "You asked him if he would call Mikael again. Was he the reason we had to leave back then?" Nik asked me. He put his paintbrush down and turned towards me.

"Yes, he thought that you weren't going to let him and Rebekah be together so they called Mikael and told him where we were. I begged him not to call him, I told him that I would talk to you, but he was persistent. I knew that you were just giving him a hard time, they didn't see it that way." I told him while holding his hand that I didn't even realize I grabbed. "I am glad they called him, because then I wouldn't have seen the world, and we probably wouldn't have ended up in Mystic Falls. Nik, you wouldn't have reunited with Stefan to tell him your true feelings." I told him, gesturing to the love of his life.

He let a tear that had been gathering in his eye fall before he brought me into a hug, "I want you happy, and I think I know what will make you the happiest you've been in a while." I pulled away and looked at him with a surprised look and grinned the biggest I have in a while. "You mean it?" I asked him.

He nodded before he sped away from me to the room he was keeping the coffins, and from where I was left standing in shock I could hear the dagger get pulled from a sleeping Kol Mikaelson.

Twisted Love - Tyler Lockwood/Jeremy GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now