Chapter 9

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The next day I found myself sitting in the Grill waiting for Tyler to show up. When he walked into the Grill with none other than Jeremy Gilbert with him. They searched the area before their eyes landed on me and they walked up to me.

"Hey sorry I'm late I ran by and picked Jeremy up. I hope that's okay." Tyler said, sitting down across from me along with Jeremy.

"It's okay." I said shyly. I want to get to know them both and this is the perfect opportunity for us to become friends. The waiter came over and we ordered food and milkshakes.

"So, threesome?" Tyler asked us with a straight face before breaking out into a grin. Jeremy and I looked at him then at each other before bursting out laughing. I wasn't expecting him to say that nor was I expecting him to be so serious.

"Ty, seriously? We just met, let's wait a while longer." I told him putting my hand on top of his and laughed a little bit.

"I was joking, kind of. On a serious note though, we heard a group of people are wanting Elena dead." Tyler started.

"We want to help. We have come to the realization that Elena is doing all of this for her own selfish reasons and now that she knows neither Salvatores want her; she is wanting revenge on the Mikaelsons. We don't know what she is planning, but we were thinking that maybe we be the people on the inside. We could get the plan from her because she trusts us and then we tell yall." Jeremy told me, and honestly I just stared at them in shock. I wasn't expecting this when we decided to meet up.

"I don't know guys. This seems like a lot to handle, and that's me saying it. I don't want to put you both in the middle of this, well war I guess, and it end badly. Jeremy, this is your sister we are going after. Are you sure that this is how you want it to end? Her dying? Because if I'm being honest she is a royal pain in the ass, but she hasn't done anything yet." I am trying my hardest to get them to see the reason to stay out of it. I didn't lie to them, she hasn't done anything severe to me, just my apartment.

"We're sure." They said at the same time before looking at each other with weird looks on their faces.

"Well we still have the rest of the day to spend doing stupid shit. I don't want to worry about-"

"Aww poor little Athena having to force not only my brother, but also her little bitch to hang out with her." Elena said as she walked up.

Tyler looked like he was seething and I realized that today would be spent torturing this little bitch. I got up looking around before knocking her out. "Tyler compel everyone that they didn't see anything." He started that as I grabbed her over my shoulder and walked out with Jeremy following. We waited for Tyler to finish before heading to my Apartment. When we got there I laid a tarp out under a chair before tying her up. 

I waited about five seconds before I slapped her as hard as I could. "You bitch!"

"Quit whining, it isn't very attractive on you," I turned to Jeremy, "Go to the Salvatore house and tell them I'm killing this bitch tonight after I drain her of most of her blood." He nodded, giving his sister one last look before leaving entirely.

"What did you do to them?" Elena asked, scared. Though I'm not sure if it was for her brother and Tyler or herself. None-the-less I shrugged and started working on putting the needle into her arm and hooking everything up to her.  After a couple of pints she started to pass out. I got a couple more bags out of her before I left her alone. 

We have been at this for four hours, her passing out after me getting blood out of her, and me sitting here with a cup of either coffee or bourbon in my hand. Tyler had left about two hours ago because his mom needed him.

I was currently making my third pot of coffee when Nik burst through the door. "Is the bitch dead?" He asked me with a surprised voice.

"Sadly no," I shook my head, placing my coffee cup on the counter. "I have been at this for four mother fucking hours! She won't fucking die! I drain her, she passes out and an hour later she wakes up, so I do it again! Nik, I am about ready to snap her fucking neck!" I let all of my frustration out towards him.

He stared at me before speeding to Elena and snapping her neck in one swift motion. "There, problem solved. I'll have someone come take care of the body." He said before walking out of the apartment. 

That whore.

I rolled her body into the tarp so I wouldn't have to look at her while cleaning up from my day of fun. I mean usually torture wouldn't necessarily be fun, but I've lived a thousand years cut me some slack. After I finished cleaning the living room and kitchen I took a shower. I'm not sure whether it was the hot water or the day of activities, but I was so exhausted after the shower that as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out.

Twisted Love - Tyler Lockwood/Jeremy GilbertOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant