When I stopped to some people it looked like I was falling but to me a different story.

Orion-Spider: TIME TO FLLLLYY!

As metallic wing similar to falcon wings appear out of his back.

As metallic wing similar to falcon wings appear out of his back

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(This is basically how you swing and glide)

I see Rhino holding the heads of guards and the most logical thing I could think of is throwing a huge object at Rhino's back.

Orion-Spider: Hey big guy! I heard you've been a bad boy, so I had to come to teach you a lesson!

Orion-Spider: Hey big guy! I heard you've been a bad boy, so I had to come to teach you a lesson!

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I used my webs to grab the guard and drop them off at a safe area.

Orion-Spider: call for backup and get out of here!

The guards do as told and run.

I return to the Rhino ready for battle

Orion-Spider: Let's dance... Chum.

(Except of Scorpion saying Octavious he says Lex)

Orion-Spider: you both need to learn to play nice*Whispers to himself* What does Lex have to do in all this? I should be more cautious.

I see extra guards and police officers and I swing to them

Orion-Spider: *Out loud*They're in that red moving container but that should be obvious due to the yapping and fighting! Crap it's almost time! Gotta blast!

Captain: Thanks for the help Spidey!

I swing back to the house and get dressed.

(Here are the clothes)

The Web That Connects All (Young Justice x Male reader/Oc)Where stories live. Discover now