Chapter 8

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You and Jim have been in there for about two weeks, you have been sustaining yourself with Jim's body heat and the glow of his amulet. You were out scouting and you spotted lights in the distance. Flying closer you see young flesh bags in cribs, this must be it I need to go tell Jim. flying back to the cave you two stayed at entering you see Jim eating a strange egg.

"Oh y/n your back! Did you find anything?" Jim said as he finished eating the egg. You nod as Jim cheers to himself, putting out the fire Jim follows your glowing form through the Darklands. You reach the nursery as Jim tells you to meet him at the bridge. You nod as you fly over to it, in the process you can hear shouts of alarm in the distance. Guarding the gate you hover over the ground as you scan the land for Jim. you eventually spot him but he has gumm-gumm soldiers on his tail. You hear yelling from the otherside of the bridge as you see Usurna and their henchmen trying to break down the bridge. You want to stop them but Jim wont make it here if you don't stop the soldiers. Charging in the direction of Jim, you grow massive in size as your body glows brightly. You wack the soldiers back as a few get by you to continue running after Jim.

"NO!!!" you hear Jim yell as you turn to see the bridge in pieces. You roar in anger as you continue to smash and wack at the soldiers.

"Stop!" you hear a soldier shout at you in trollish. You turn to see they have a blade to Jim's throat," submit or the trollhunter falls." they said as you growled. You shrink back down to your original size when a troll with a cloak walked up to you as they pulled out a large glass sphere. Green chains emerged from it as they wrapped around you pulling you inside the glass sphere. You hit your head against it to try and break it but nothing happens as you eventually give up.

"I don't think I would ever see the giver of life again." the cloaked figure said as they walked towards Gunmars palace with the soldiers following him. You can hear Jim grunting in pain as they pull him to his feet, making him follow the rest of the group," do you perhaps remember me?" the cloaked figure said as they pulled the hood back to show a troll who looked familiar to blinky but it clicked in your mind when you saw his hair.

"Dictatious!" you shout through the glass as it sounds slightly muffled. Dictatious laughs as he peers through the glass staring at you.

"How is my brother doing? Is he still pathetic and weak as I remember him?" Dictatious said as you hissed at him. Dictatious smiles as they enter the palace, you watch as they take Jim to a different part of the castle as you watch him disappear from you,"your going to reunite with your "Brother" isn't that amazing?" Dictatious said wickedly as you whimpered in fear. Dictatious enters the arena as you notice Gunmar sitting in a throne on the other side of the arena.

"What is it Dictatious." Gunmar says not noticing you yet as Dictatious hid you slightly behind his back.

"I brought you the trollhunter my dark underlord but I also have someone you haven't seen since your fall to this desilent plain." Dictatious says as he reveals you to Gunmar. You watch as his blue eye stares at you in shock. Gunmar stands up from his throne as he approaches the two of you. In fear you began hitting the side of the glass sphere again to try to get away from the Gunmar. Dictatious holds you tight in place as Gunmar grabs the glass sphere out of his hands. You are now shaking in fear as Gunmar's deep chuckles shake your cage.

"It's been so long, sibling, tell me, did you miss me?" Gunmar tosses you up in the air and then catches you. You growl at him as Gunmar laughs at your attempts to be brave,"Still as afraid as ever, you never changed." Gunmar said as a low rumble like growl escapes the brute.

"You pathetic, weak I finally stronger than you, face me!" you shout as you slam against the glass, it shows no sign of cracking still. Gunmar laughs as he stares at you, his one eye glowing with curious intent.

"Release them!" Gunmar yells at Dictatious while throwing you at him. Dictatious catches the glass sphere containing you as his hand glows green. The glass sphere splits in half as you quickly fly out as you fly higher to get away from their reach. Gunmar's body begins to glow as he rises from his seat on the throne,"You claim to be powerful but you run from me like a weakling!" his voice boomed through the room as your body began to shake in fear. He almost killed you last time, taking almost all your life energy but the trollhunter was able to save you. But he is weaker, you examine him to see that his body has been worn down from the Darklands aura. You might be able to beat him but you must be careful, you thought to yourself.

You gained the courage to confront your so-called brother as you flew down to him. A smirk appears on his face as he stretches his clawed fingers waiting for you to get closer. You grow in size as you ram into Gunmar he manages to keep his footing as he pushes you back. Growling you go to whack him with your tail as he puts his arms up to block the attack. He then quickly grabs your tail swinging you into a wall. You shake your head to clear your mind as you look back at Gunmar with rage. Your body begins to glow brighter as you open your mouth as a orange beam of energy hits Gunmar square in the chest.

"You fool! You were never going to win, you simply would have made me stronger!" Gunmar shouted as he absorbed the beam's energy. Your glow weakens as the beam stops, you abruptly shrink, as you look at yourself confused.

"Oh no." you said to yourself as you look up to see Gunmar glowing orange, he quickly grabs you as you try to wiggle out of his grip. His hand begins to glow orange as he starts to take away your energy. You squeal in pain as you struggle more, but it was useless. Gunmar dropped you as you fell to the ground, your bright orange color has changed to grayish-orange, he left you with some life energy to keep you alive, barely.  Dictatious looks at you with a hint of sadness but it changes quickly as he grabs you putting you back in the glass orb. You curl up as your body begins to shiver from the coldness of the Darklands. It's dark aura seeping into your pure soul as you thought crosses your mind, Trollhunter, friends, I am sorry but I have failed.

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