Chapter 7

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You see Jim in front of you as he slashes at Angor Rot but he dodges as he kicks the boy back. He reaches out to grab you but you bolt to the upstairs as you hide behind one of the traps. This soulless troll scares you, looking at the window you could shatter it and fly to trollmarket. No, you need to stay here to help the trollhunter. Looking out from behind the trap you see Barbara running upstairs with a broom. You make your way upstairs to see Angor Rot broken free from one of the traps by Barbara's broom skills.

The fight continued but Angor Rot sliced Strickler's neck as the Changeling and Barbara cried out in pain.

"y/n get them out of here!" Jim shouts as he distracts Angor Rot, as you grow in size you pick the two of them up and take them outside. Strickler starts a large metal object as he puts Barbara in the back.

"y/n you need to go to the bridge. We will meet you there." Strickler said as groaned in pain. Before you could fly off Jim runs out of the house with Angor Rot close behind.

"Go go go!!!" Jim said as he jumped in the car. You quickly fly to the bridge as you start making a doorway for the vehicle to fit in. you see them in the distance as Angor Rot is following them close behind. You took in a breath as you felt energy swirl in your chest, a bright light escaped from your mouth as a laser beam hit Angor in the chest. The laser stops as you float lower to the ground feeling exhausted. The car makes it through the gate way as you quickly enter to shutting the gate behind you.

The car crashes as Strickler gets out of the car helping Jim and Barbara out as well.

"We need help please!!" Jim said as he noticed you," Y/n please! You healed Arrrgh heal my mother please! He said as he showed you the dying woman in his arms. Looking at her you notice the twisted energy that is harming her as you take her to the heart stone. Vendel looks at you confused, but knows it's not his time to ask questions as he prepares to heal Jim's mother. He kicks everyone out of the heartstone except you as he tells you to give her some life energy to stabilize her as he prepares some stuff for the wound on her neck.

(A couple of hours later, you are back to your normal size )

You and Vendel exit the heartstone with Strickler following behind you.

"How's my mom?" Jim said anxiously.

"She is resting." Vendel said.

"Blinky says that we need to break the binding spell." Jim said.

"I agree with his assessment. She cannot properly heal while still bound to the Changeling. Unfortunately, this is Gumm-Gumm magic and alast I don't know the proper incantation." Vendel said.

"Can y/n not heal my mother?" he said looking over to you.

""Dark magic strong, not compatible, could hurt more if tried." you said as you looked down upset with yourself that you can't do more.

"It's alright y/n you helped get my mother here, she is alive and i am very happy that you could do that for me." Jim said as a smile appeared on his face. You smiled back tiredly as you looked up at the large heartstone.

"I know your tired guardian get some rest. I will wake you if you are needed." Vendel said as the others said their goodbyes to you while floating back into the heartstone. Laying on the shelf you look over at the woman, closing your eyes you let the heartstones warm glow lull you to sleep.

( a day later, you wake up when Angor Rot has the key to trollmarket )

You hear yelling outside the heartstone as you make your way out to see them about to throw the trollhunter out. You are furious to see the trolls do this as your anger piles up. You fly over to the stairway to the surface as you grow in size to match the heartstone itself. You roar at them in fury as the trolls stop in their tracks out of fear.

"You upset the beast that gives you life! Drop them or face my wrath!!!" you said as the trolls cowered in fear, dropping the changeling and the trollhunter. Vendel nods to you thankful for your assistance as you shrink back down.

"We're sorry, please forgive us!" a troll said from the crowd.

"Please we're sorry!" another troll said from the crowd.

"I forgive, help trollhunter." you said as you flew back to the heartstone. You are fully charged so you didn't need to sleep more so watched the trolls setting up barriers and making weapons. Vendel told you that Angor Rot got the key to trollmarket and that they are preparing defenses. He also said he was going to a bunker with the other trolls who don't want to fight, you didn't want to join him as Vendel left you be.

The group finished setting up as the ground started shaking, golems rose from the crystals as they attacked the trollhunters. You were watching this happen from the heartstone when you spotted Angor Rot, he was looking around the fight for something. You crept further into the heartstone when your movements become noticed from Angor Rot. a smile appears on his face as he leaves the golems to fight for him. He runs at you as shriek in fear at the soulless troll, you fly further into the heartstone as Angor Rot runs after you. He grabs you out of the air as his eyes change to the yellow color.

"Hello there little guardian, going somewhere." Angor Rot said as he squeezed you tighter,"give me my soul!" you let out an ear piercing screech but Angor Rot did not flinch.

"No hurt no hurt, I give back." you said frightened. Angor Rot grinned as he let you go. Breathing in you feel the energy of the heartstone as it greets you, grabbing the energy you take it within you as your body glows brighter and brighter as the heartstone glows brighter with you.

"y/n no!!!" you hear Jim shout but more golems stop him from entering the heartstone.

"Do it or the boy dies!" Angor Rot said. You continued as you felt for trolls missing soul. You close your eyes as you reach out with your tail, the tip of it turning yellow as a bright yellow orb forms in your chest. Opening your eyes you put the tip of your tail to Angor Rots chest as the yellow ball of light enters it. Angor Rots eyes glow for a second as they return to their original color. Exhausted you fall to the cold stone ground not having enough energy to levitate. Angor Rots evil grin turns to one of concern when he realizes what he has done.

"Oh no I am so sorry guardian I was not in the right mind." Angor Rot said as he carefully scooped you up from the ground. You hear yelling as Angor Rot turns around to see the trollhunter has made it through the golems. Jim was about to swing at him with Daylight but stopped when he saw you in Angor Rots hands.

"Drop the guardian, your fight is with me." Jim said as he readied himself.

"Wait trollhunter let me explain I was not in my right mind, I have my soul back, I do not wish to let more bloodshed on this ground." Angor Rot said.

"Then prove it." Jim said as he stepped to the side letting Angor Rot walk past Jim. you whimper as you try to fly out of the troll's hands but he holds you tighter. Angor Rot looks down at you with a sorrowful look as he sees the battlefield in front of him. The assassin troll said a quick chant as all the golems shattered to pieces.

Arrrgh notices you in Angor Rots hands as he roars and charges," Wait Arrrgh stop you might hurt y/n!" Jim said. The former gumm-gumm growled as he glared down at the assassin, Arrrgh scoffed as he moved out of his way. Angor Rot made it to the exit of troll market as he stared at you in his hands.

"Little guardian, your home will fall as so your others will. I give you a warning, keep the trollhunter close or you might lose him." Angor said as threw you at Arrrgh and ran for the exit. Jim runs after him as Arrrgh catches you gently. Arrrgh sits you inside the heartstone as he goes after Jim. you were going to shut your eyes when you felt a familiar aura, no it can't be! your mind is racing it can't be him it can't! You muster all the energy you could muster and fly quickly to the aura. Reaching it you see Jim in the eclipse armor and the Bridge opened in front of him. You fly higher to the ceiling as you watch him close the door on his friends.

"Jim no go alone i go with or you no go at all." you said as Jim looked at you in shock.

"No y/n you don't understand I-" Jim said but stopped as you hissed at him. He sighed as he walked towards the portal to the darklands.You warp around his neck as Jim jumps into the darklands.

My Form Is Deceiving Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora