Chapter 2

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You wake up to see Vendel talking to Draal, yawning as you crawl down the wall as you approach them.

"I am going to challenge the trollhunter to see if he has improved with the amulet." Draal said. Vendel smiles as he messes with his beard.

"I shall meet you there then." Vendel said as Draal nodded and walked out.

"What doing?" you said as you crawled up his body and laid on his horns. Vendel grabs his staff as he starts walking out of the heartstone.

" We are going to watch the Trollhunter spar, to see if he shows any signs of not being a waste of time." Vendel said coldly.

"Give chance." you said as you glared at Vendel. The old troll let out a sigh as he walked to the stands in the forge. You crawled off his horns as you wrapped yourself around the top of the staff.

You see over the fence as Draal enters the forge,"Ah! So, the Trollhunters training begins. I thought the great Trollhunter might accept my services as a sparring partner. Part of your training regiment, isn't it?" Draal said while getting closer to Jim.

Blinky rolls his eyes as he says," In due time, Perhaps."

Vendel walks closer to the stone railing as he looks down at the trolls and humans,"Why wait? I am eager to see your charge demonstrate his mettle." Vendel said as he smiled.

"The sword is more made of daylight than metal." Jim said as he looked over the sword in his hands. You shook your head disapprovingly, silly human.

"He means your mettle, your ability to cope in the face of adversity." Blinky said.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm still working on the whole "mettle" part. Plus, you know, SAT words." Jim said nervously.

Vendel chuckles as he looks between Draal and Jim," Let them spar." Vendel said.

Draal walks back further to get in position for the spar to begin," No harm it." Draal said as a sinister smirk grows on his face. You see Jim and Blinky discuss something with each other but you are too far away to hear. Blinky, Arrrgh, and Toby stood by the sidelines as they watched their friend get into a fighting stance.

"Begin!" Vendel said as Draal snarled and roared. Watching the battle was very displeasing, the human was running around and getting wrecked. Draal then grabbed the Trollhunter and held him over the void as he stared at him. No you can't let this trollhunter fall, not again. You are awake this time maybe you can change the outcome. You jump off the staff and quickly fly over to the two. You grew in size to match Draal's as you pulled him back with your tail. You grab the human quickly with your little paws as you ram Draal in the stomach sending him flying into the wall. Placing the Troll hunter down, you circle around him as you growl at Draal.

Draal falls out of the indent in the wall as he catches his breath,"I've waited my entire life to inherit the amulet. I can wait until you fall in battle." Draal said while glaring at Jim. Draal then looks at you, his eyes were filled with anger but then changed into fear. You hear a groan as you look back at Jim to see him on his knees as he cradles his chest. You whimper in worry as you look down at the trollhunter. You nudge him with your head as he looks up at you.

"Thanks y/n." Jim said as he smiled. You chirp happily as you look back to see Draal is gone. You shrink back down to your original size. You put your little paws on his knee as you give him a little energy to help him heal. Jim's eyes flash orange as he jolts up from the ground. You back up quickly from his sudden movements as you fly up to Vendel. You see the old troll's disappointed face as you latch onto the staff and he walks out of the forge. You arrive back at the heart stone as Vendel places you back on the shelf.

"That human is going to be the end of us, you should have let Draal have his with the boy." Vendel says with his tone coated with anger. You growled at the old troll as his face changed to shock. Vendel sighs as he rubs his face," I know you won't change your mind about that human but please heed my warning. If you fall because of that trollhunter you would put the whole trollmarket at risk." Vendel said sternly. You nod as you wrap your body around yourself as you close your eyes and drift to sleep.

Waking up you see Vendel reading a book, you were bored and you wanted to see if Draal was okay. You flew off the shelf as you made your way out of the heartstone. You hear laughter coming from the pub as you entered it to see Draal and a couple of other trolls. You see Arrrgh and Blinky in the back having a couple of drinks. You fly up to Draal as his eyes land on you.

" Oh guardian, I am very sorry about my actions yesterday. I didn't mean to anger you. But you have to understand that puny fleshbag had it coming, it was an epic pummeling." Draal said as he burst into a fit of laughter as the other trolls joined in. you rolled your eyes as you floated over to Blinky and Arrrgh.

"Ah guardian I never thought I would see you in a place like this." Blinky said as he glared at Draal behind you. Arrrgh snarled as he then smiled at you, Arrrgh stuck his finger out as he lightly rubbed your head. You wrapped your tail around his hand as you crawled up his arm and onto his head.

"I was going to kill him, but I just couldn't make up my mind as to how. "Trollhunter". I mean, "troll hunted" is more like it." Draal said as another fit of laughter erupted from him.

Blinky and Arrrgh sighed," If only Master Jim had landed a single hit." Blinky said while taking a swig of his ale.

"Single hit." Arrrgh said as he downed his ale.

"Over and over and over. It was incredible! All I want is the chance to wail on that fleshbag again." Draal said as his friends laughed with him. Draal went to take a drink when his cup was slammed back on the table. The Trollhunter stood there Glaring at Draal as the ale spelt all over the table.

"Wish granted, loudmouth. Rematch, you. me. Name the time, name the place and I'll be there." Jim said.

"We both will." Toby said.

You, Blinky, and Arrrgh looked at the boy in shock.

"Changed forever." Arrrgh said.

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