Chapter 3

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You wake up to hear shouting through Trollmarket, you know this voice, Bagdwella. You grumble as you stretch your body, yawning in the process. You see Vendel asleep in a chair with a book on his face as You float out of the heartstone quietly. You make your way to Bagdwella's shop as you see the humans, Arrrgh and Blinky there. You see the humans trying to catch the gnome as the little creature giggles and escapes from the two. You hear more giggling as you feel something jump on you.

Your body glows brighter as the Gnome hisses, jumping off and running away again as it holds its burnt hands.

You see the gnome grab the amulet out of his pockets as it runs into a hole in the wall. You growl in anger as you approach the hole. You hear Jim worry about the amulet as Blinky tries to comfort him. You look in the hole to see a green light, you turn back to the group as you look up at them.

" I help get amulet." you said as your voice seemed to make a slight echo. The group looked at you shocked and confused.

Blinky says," That's very kind of you guardian y/n but how exactly?" you smiled up at blinky as you shrunk further in size as you flew through the hole. You hear blinky shout something through the hole but you couldn't make out what he said. As you make it through the main part you see the gnome using the amulet as a table. He looked lonely, it reminded you of yourself when you first came into the world. You fled from your birthplace as you lived with a young hearthstone for centuries.

The gnome looks back to see you as it hisses. You giggle at the little creature as you slither to the otherside of the table. You use your tail to wrap around one of the teacups as you take a fake sip. The gnome looks at you confused at first as its face then glows with joy. Its gibberish language is the first thing you hear as it waits for you to respond.

"Yes tea nice." you said as the gnome cheers. It then said something else as you simply nodded.

About 5 minutes of this you started to feel funny as you knew what that meant.

" I need amulet, you come with?" you said as the gnome swipes everything off the amulet as he hands it to you. He nods as he follows behind you out of the hole. Once you make it out you increase in size as you hand the amulet to Jim, Blinky then bags the gnome as he ties it shut.

"Great job guardian y/n you-" Blinky looks at you as he notices your faded color," you should return to the heartstone and rest, I hope to see you again after you have rested." Blinky said as he swatted you away. You fly back inside the hearthstone to see Vendel still asleep on the chair as you went back on the shelf, closing your eyes to let sleep consume you.

Third point of view:

Blinky watches y/n fly off as he turns to the two humans with a smile.

" All that is left is to take care of it." Blinky said, handing the bag to Toby.

"Wait what take care of it?" Jim said, confused.

Blinky said," Rule number, two finish the fight." Blinky said as Arrrgh slid his finger under his throat in a quick motion.

Jim's face turns to shock as he looks at the bag unsure.

(A couple of Days later)

Jim is in the forge training while Blinky instructs him. Jim stops for a moment as he looks back at Blinky.

"What is it master Jim? You seem distracted." Blinky said as he turned off the forge and approached Jim.

"I um. . . I am wondering Blinky, who or what is y/n exactly. They aren't a Troll like you guys, so what are they?"

Blinky sighs as he waves for them to follow him. The group follows them to the library as Blinky pulls out an old dusty book as he wipes it off.

Opening the book Blinky over something as he starts talking," Back in the old days when we lied blissfully unaware of humankind's existence until inevitably our worlds collided." Blinky said as he flipped the book over to show the two boys." Trolls and humans each wanted the world as their own and fought for it. Blood was shed and our first heartstone rotted from within." Blinky said as he flipped the pages showing a large heartstone slowly rotting away. As Blinky flipped to the last page it shows the black heartstone has been split in half as two creatures stand next to it.

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