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A couple hours later they had exhausted themselves going through the books and scraps of papers Aksel had brought out, and things were looking as bleak as they had started

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A couple hours later they had exhausted themselves going through the books and scraps of papers Aksel had brought out, and things were looking as bleak as they had started. Desa knew most of the contents of these books, she had been enchanted for 12 years, she had spent every spare moment she had, looking for a way to break this cursed spell. Of course over the years, the secretive escapes and hushed search had turned into a pipe dream and gave way to going to taverns and using that time to better acquaint herself with liquor. With the occasional bar fights breaking out, hoping something, anything will make her feel except this sinking depression.

As she sat across from the man that kept stealing her attention, she felt very different to those times she tried to find a solution to her problem. She still felt that endless pit of desperation clawing at the end of a well deep inside her but now it wasn't so lonely down there. She had never realised how deep she craved someone to simply be there. Even if they didn't find a cure, Aksel was here and helping her. The words written on the starchy page in front of her got blurry as she struggled to keep her emotions bottled up.

Desa hadn't cried in a long time, thinking she had exhausted her emotions but the tiniest of the humane actions Aksel flung in her direction made a crack in her impenetrable wall bit by bit. And she didn't know if there would be anything left of her if the wall came down.

Aksel closed his book and gave a big stretch with his arms lifted to the ceiling. His white tunic rose up with his stretch and a peek of taut abdomen muscles showed below. The sight of smooth abs and the low dip of his trousers was enough to cause a stirring in her insides. He was by far the most well physiqued male she had ever seen, with broad shoulders and strong thighs and impressive height, not to mention his smouldering good looks. It was unfair how good he looked so effortlessly.

Fuck she needed to get laid. Or a cold shower. Preferably both in that order. But as she watched his muscular arms stretch his shirt when he brought them down, she couldn't remember if any other males had ever existed but him.

"I think that's as much progress we'll make with these today. Come on we still have one more thing we need to do." Aksel said as he got up. Desa's brows furrowed in question, what had he planned now? It was hard to guess with Aksel, at every turn, he went ahead and did the exact opposite of what she thought a normal person would do. But instead of questioning him, she got up and trailed after him as they left his house. But instead of going down to the warehouse, Aksel turned the other way and continued going up the stairs.

After another two flight of stairs, they reached a metal door. Aksel pushed the door with his shoulder and it gave way with a screech. Then he walked out onto the roof. Desa followed behind him, walking out onto the concrete rooftop of the warehouse, making sure there was at least three paces between them at all times.

The sky was a mixture of oranges and pinks and blues as the sundown approached on the horizon. It was crisp in the air, with a slight breeze blowing in the salty sea water from the close by ocean. Desa walked over to the edge and saw the docks below, it was a couple stories high, an impressive height, making the busy harbour a distant humming of life.

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