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She felt cold

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She felt cold. Very cold. Was this what death was? She could deal with the cold but the pain that came with it was not what she expected of the eternal bliss of afterlife. Desa had probably ended up in hell. With all she had done, it was a no brainer. Her chest ached and her throat burned. Her everything was dark. But she realised that was because her eyes were closed.

Could she not have died? Her slowly rising breaths started to come faster in panic. Why wasn't she dead? She forced her eyes open to a bright small room with sand coloured walls. The windows were draped so she didn't know what time it was. The room was fairly big with a table on to one side with chairs and a couch set in the middle, there was a hall on the left side leading to somewhere and two more doors were behind her. She noticed a chair was missing from the dining table in the room and looked down. She was occupying said chair.

She was tied with heavy ropes and she was soaking wet. Her clothes were red stained and felt sticky. She turned her head and smelled her shirt. It smelled like wine. Why was she soaked from head to toe in wine? Then it dawned on her. That's what she was drowned with.

Aksel Cairn was a water bender.

It was hard to come across an elf with elemental powers as straightforward as such. Some had night vision, some had shapeshifting abilities, some had affinity to nature like forest sprites or an affinity to water like water sprites and so on. But this was rare. Raw control over an element was always rare. Her hand twitched to feel the air but clamped it shut.

Just then a door from her back opened and in walked Aksel Cairn. She had to crane her neck to watch him come in and then stand in front of her leaning against the back of the couch.

He was still in the same outfit she had first seen him in so it probably hadn't been long since the fight. She looked at the bite mark she'd given him on his left wrist. It was already closing up. So an hour maybe?

She made a point of looking around the space and nodded her head, acting as casual as she could in the tight binds she was in. "Nice place you have here. Do you bring all the people that-" she bit her tongue. She couldn't actively admit her intentions of a target out loud. Another binding forcing her mouth closed.

She bittersweetly smiled at her situation and not being able to talk freely. She brushed off the feeling and relaxed, leaning on the back of the chair. "So... what's up?" She said grinning.

Aksel just looked at her disbelievingly. His black smooth hair was ruffled and in disarray, falling over his forehead and a bit of his locks were coming over his light grey eyes. He looked too good to be just standing looking at her stained, drowned miserable state. She could openly gawk at how attractive he is now that she was bound and not involuntarily trying to kill him.

"What's up? You come to my building, asking for me, talk nonsense and then try to kill me. Don't you think it's a bit late to ask me what's up?" He asked as he crossed his bulging biceps over his chest. His sleeves were still rolled and it did wonders showing off the strength he had in them.

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