Part 15

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"How was your date?" Steffy who was standing right in front of the door looked back to see literally all Bebe and ateez and ofc sherley and David in her and soraia room.

"What the actual- what are y'all doing here?!" She looked at all of them mostly hongjoon

"We'll we saw sherley eating alone asked where y'all were and she told us you went on a date and so did soraia" Jongho answered with the cutest smile

"And we're mostly here for soraia cuz uk her date is our leader soo we wanna know" lusher answered "but hearing about ur date sound nice" she smiled sweetly laying on soraia bed outing her phone a side.

As most as steffy liked being the center of attention a room full of people looking at her made her very anxious. All of there eyes were directed at her.

"Okay this is wayyy too intimidating imma go get some air" she opened the door before getting her jacket. As she got it she went to the door she left un closed seeing bada and soraia hugging each other. she smile at the cute scene.

She then remembered everyone in the room. And got out closing the door very violently.

"I'm so sorry..." soraia got confused. Seeing her face steffy started to talk very fast explaining her what was happened inside the room.

Bada became all red and flustered and soraia just kept wondering

"U have ur room card and I have mine.. HOW DID THEY EVEN MANAGE TO BE IN THERE???" Soraia whispered yelled as steffy started to ask herself the same question.

We soon discovered sherley was inside when we left so she let them all in.

They all ended up leaving after me and steffy promised to tell them how it went at lunch before the event since we were all meeting there.

"Mana... how was ur date?" Steffy asked. Looking a bit down.

"Amazing perfect.. too perfect. Idk if it's just me but it felt too much like a dream idk. I'm confused" I asked laying in bed still in my outfit

"NAH BRO CUZ SAME. It was just way too perfect I mean I loved it but there was not a single red flag on the man. Not a single thing he said or did" she look at me with big eyes

"IKR. But then not having any red flags is a red flag to me lowkey." I looked at her shaking my head trying to not overthink it.

"Yes like if u have no flaws then there is no fun. Part of uk getting to know the person is learning there flaws and shit." She sat up in the bed making me sit up too

"Right if there is no flaws then ur just living a dream.. I don't think I want that." We look at each other and laughed

"We sound so dumb we're complaining about them being perfect.. what is wrong with us" steffy put a hand on her forehead pushing her hair back still laughing

"But it is true. That girl is literally so fucking sweet so fucking lovely and sweet." I looked at her putting my phone to charge leaving on the bed side table

"Okay I say we just leave it we can't reject them cuz they're perfect THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE" we both just laughed deciding it was time to sleep

We took our make up off and went to sleep.

Waking up I just sat up on the bed weird out by my dream. Looking at steffy that had the same exact look.

"We got time, tf did u dream of ma queen??!" She looked at me shaking her head at what I just said licking her lips

She told me her wierd dream as we both laughed like crazy people at her dreaming about the event with the models showing the outfits to crazy form.

"I just dreamed San and bada got toghether man... like together together uk. It was so wierd" I looked at her we both laughed again getting up to get ready

I showered waching my hair while steffy did her skin care, we we're blasting music. We had already prepared what outifts we were gonna wear and did our bag for the event.

We knew it was going to be painful to wake up in the morning so they prepared everyhing the day before.

They were wearing baggy ass sweat pants big puffy jackets, soraia had her echarpe around her head, sun glasses on both of their faces as it was way too early.

It was now 5h30 and they were getting ready to head out of the hotel, they saw sherley and david in the exact same state as them. Deep down they were excited it was just to early for them to shown it physically.

The car came to pick them up, leaving them afterwards in the big wearhouse. All of the decoration staff soraia had hired was already them waiting for sherley to tell them what to do.

Steffy and david went to the back with all of the models. Soraia went straight to counting everyone and making sure eveyone knew what they needed to do also helping the decoration staff or steffy and david here and there.

Soraia does rlly have a lot to do this event, she was the most occupied one before the event but on the actual day she was feeling useless...

The day passed on rlly quick, the event would start at 19h30 so it was about 15h30 when they rapped everything up and decided it was much time event tho it was wayyy passed the hour.

They ate (literally they slayed the eating). Afterwards they went back running everything one more time making sure everything was gonna turn out perfect. After it was time to get ready.

We were all wearing David dresses made for us from a while ago but we thought would fit the event.

Steffy was wearing a beautiful pink long baby pink dress, sherley had a green mid thight dress as soraia was wearing a bordeau one.

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