¦Part 7¦

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I one hit was all it took to calm me a bit down, I took my phone seeing several missed calls form Alex. Alex was well the person in charge of the bars when i was around or took vacation. I decided to call him back, make sure no one died and i had to hire someone else. Uk the usual.

"Heyyy, what's up? U called me a bunch u good?" i asked taking another hit of my cigarette.

"ye ye just a weird dude called asking for you, he said yall were partners on a new bar you're opening up.." I could hear him ruffling some papers in the back ground.

"hey are you still at the office? Leave it  its late I'll handle it!" I looked at the phone seeing it was almost 2am before telling him to go home 

"i just need to run some counts for yesterday Zurich OH and Jessica asked a raise" there was a silence right before we both start laughing like crazy on the phone. I heard the terrase door open as i looked at San sitting next to me on the mini couch. 

"that was a good one uk what to tell her, as for the partner thing.. I might open one here, along with the store.. i mean its not decided just things are looking for both me and steffys business soo.. ye.. like i said its not decided we will talk later" after that we said our goodbyes and hangup. 

I smiled at san, the alcohol we drank was defenetly kicking. We both smiled at each other and said nothing until i finished my cigaratte.

"why do you smoke?" he looked serious, not like a i dont like it or a disgusted serious, more of a curious serious.

"I ask myself that question a lot and the only answer i can come up with is, addiction." i looked at the cendrier then back up at the sky that was very much cloudy but u could still see the moon light "cigarattes became like music to me. They clalm me down, make me forget about a lot of things for a while and that feeling sound good." 

He looked at me nooded his head, leaning closer to me taking a hair of my hoodie. He then laughed.

"I'm sorry it was bothering me" he laughed and i couldn't help but laugh as well " I'm so tired.. " his eyes were lowkey shutting, he yawned.

"go to sleep, don't you guys have stuff to do tomorrow?" i asked genually curious because in my head idols usually always have somewhere to be. 

"nah they gave us the week off. And i am so looking foward to do nothing the whole week" he streched trying to wake himself a bit

"Damn.. I took a week of vacation in switzerland to come here for work.. I don't even know if this is vacation." i laughed looking behind me at steffy trying her best not to fall alseep because she wants to keep talking to jongho

" what do you do for a living?" i looked at him and smiled 

"I honeslty really do like my work, I ain't gotta wake up early ( i do have exeptions), I am the owner of 3 bars in swiss germanie, 2 In geneva, 1 in bern, and now im opening one right here in paris. And i have the k.Omeda store with Steffy, we sell kpop stuff, albums lightsticks.. ect"  To be honest, i really do love my work.. 

"5 years ago is this what u wanted to be doing?" He was now speaking but we weren't looking at each other 

I laughed before lighing up another ciggy. "You mean speaking to you, smoking a ciggy at 2 am?" I looked at the side of his face watching it turn to me

" you know what i mean" I rolled is eyes looking back at the sky, smiling 

"No never, if im gonna be 100% with, I thought i would either end up in the streets or kill myself because i was in the streets" i laughed a bit looking down, turning back to look at steffy clinging to jongho asleep on his sholder. " I really am lucky for the friends i have, their my family." 

"I sometimes wish I wasnt an idol.. Is that wrong?" I could feel him hesitante to ask the question, I shock my head almost instantly.

"No. Nothing, u are allowed to want to live normally for once.. and I really am sorry you will never be able to walk through a shopping in dirty closes and bad hair, because you know ur not gonna see anyone. I'm sorry u have crazy fans that scrach the others" He laughed as i hissed my voice tone insenuating what happened early. 

"Thank you .. " we stayed like that for a while just enjoying eachothers company. Until he spoke again "I want this to end" I looked at him he had his eyes closed 

"yo lover birds, David is the funniest guy ever, also were playing a game wanna play?" I got up as soon as i saw my best friend falling asleep on the taple.

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