Chapter 1: Prettiest is "Mine"

Start from the beginning

The sound of Minjae's anguished screams pierces the stillness, a haunting reminder of the merciless brutality that reigns supreme in the wake of Seungcheol's conquest.

"I'll have one of your heirs...give me the most beautiful one," Seungcheol says with a soft whistle as he casts his eyes over the gate of the castle, scrutinizing the appearance of everyone present. There is no doubt that the Yoon Empire boasts the most beautiful humans alive; it is renowned for its beauty, after all. From the king's wife, Yoon Miyoung, to the commoners, each and every one of them seems to have been crafted by the hands of the moon goddess herself.

"Please, don't," Minjae whimpers beneath Seungcheol's feet.

"Either comply, or I'll kill you and claim this whole place as mine," Seungcheol grunts angrily, pressing his foot more harshly onto Minjae's hand.

"No, no, wait!"

"They are there," Minjae says, pointing a bloody finger toward the closed gate. Two guards stand trembling, while behind them, three more people dressed in royal attire and adorned with jewels and ornaments stand, their beauty only further enhanced.

"Beautiful," Seungcheol whispers in awe as he releases Minjae and strides towards the trio. Drawing nearer, he beholds three women, each as radiant as the moon itself. One boasts cascading locks that graze her lips, adorned with a delicate pink pearled crown. Beside her stands another, her beauty highlighted by shorter hair and lips painted a vivid red, contrasting against her fair complexion.

The third woman, however, meets Seungcheol's gaze with an unwavering stare, her lips pressed into a thin line and her neck-length hair secured in a bow with a wooden hair stick. Despite the imposing presence of Seungcheol, her glare remains steadfast.

"You are all so beautiful," Seungcheol chuckles, his fingers itching to trace the contours of their faces as they instinctively shrink back, seeking refuge behind the third woman.

"Which one do I choose?" he muses aloud, his movements drawing closer to them as he dismissively pushes aside the guards.

"Lord, I won't harm any of you...not yet," Seungcheol reassures with a laugh, advancing towards the third woman who stands her ground, chest pressed against his.

"My, my, what a beauty," Seungcheol admires with a whistle, his gaze fixated upon her.

"Back away," a soft yet firm voice interrupts, causing Seungcheol to pause in confusion. He scans his surroundings, perplexed, until a frustrated sigh draws his attention back to the woman before him. "I said, back the hell away from me," she asserts, placing a hand on Seungcheol's chest and exerting enough force to send him stumbling backward several feet, surprise evident on his face as he regards the figure before him.

A man, whose beauty rivals that of most women.

"Your Majesty, it's the oldest son of Minjae, Yoon Jeonghan. Should I make him kneel before you?" Seungcheol's royal guard, Mingyu, interjects, his familiar and authoritative voice cutting through the tension.

"No need. Only I can make him kneel if I choose to," Seungcheol declares, straightening his posture with newfound resolve.

Seungcheol considers the implications; Yoon Minjae's son is not just any man but the future ruler of the Yoon Empire. Playing with the dainty rings adorning his fingers, Seungcheol realizes that by choosing Jeonghan as his prize, he would not only satisfy his desires but also gain control over the empire. It's a strategic move, killing two birds with one stone.

"I think I know who I want to choose," Seungcheol declares, a glint of determination gleaming in his eyes as he strides forward and seizes Jeonghan's wrist with a harsh grip. Jeonghan winces at the tight hold, his resistance evident.

"Surely you can warm my bed for more than one night, can't you? Come on," Seungcheol taunts, ignoring the loud cries and pleas that echo around them as he begins to drag Jeonghan away. Jeonghan struggles against Seungcheol's grasp, desperate to break free.

"Please, not my son...don't take him, please," Minjae falls to his knees, clutching desperately at Seungcheol's legs, begging him not to take away his only heir. If Seungcheol takes Jeonghan, it would leave the kingdom without a ruler, effectively handing control over to Seungcheol since he had defeated Minjae first.

"You don't tell me what to do," Seungcheol retorts, shaking off Minjae's grasp as he strides towards his chariot, dragging the struggling Jeonghan along with him. Minjae is restrained by Seungcheol's soldiers, who push him back before following their king.

Seungcheol looks at his left see his now possession prize yoon Jeonghan who lokked at with a glare that could kill you if possible.

"Welcome to my world, my Divine," Seungcheol says, acknowledging Jeonghan's captivating allure with a modern twist. Jeonghan's gaze, intense and entrancing, carries a contemporary charm that enhances Seungcheol's possession with a hint of sophistication.



I feel like I'm staring off too fast? Should I take a break? (But I can't be away from you all 🥹❤️) What do you think of the first chapter?

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