Credit & Rewards

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"You did so unbelievably good."

My girlfriend met my eyes, smiling slightly as she said, "You were my lucky charm."

I jokingly rolled my eyes, "Take the credit, Mi. You know you deserve it," I said, knowing that no matter the circumstance she always seemed to deflect her credit.

Mili hummed as the elevator landed on our floor, "But I like giving it to you," she pointed out.

I dramatically sighed as we stepped off the elevator, "Fine... I guess I'll take the credit for being your lucky charm—but only because you made me lucky," I said, clearly deflecting the credit back to her.

A silly smile grew on my lips when my girlfriend jokingly scoffed.

"That doesn't count," she said, unlocking the door before I could grab my own keys.

I hummed happily, "Really? Because it counts to me," I said as we ventured further into the loft.

Mili dropped her keys on the counter, "Well, not to me," she said.

I tilted my head at her as we approached the metal stairs, "Yeah? Because people who take the credit also get the reward," I purposefully pointed out, knowing just how to get my way.

I felt Mili's stare suddenly burn into the side of my face, "Reward?" she said as we ascended the stairs, clearly wanting a better clarification.

I shrugged nonchalantly as we made it to the top of the staircase, "Guess it doesn't matter now," I murmured to myself as she trailed behind me into the bedroom.

The air between us was silent for a few beats as we walked into the bathroom.

But even I knew she was going to cave.

And I was proven correct when she managed to say, "Well... I guess everything did run smoothly."

A smirk suddenly grew on my lips as I met Mili's stare through the large mirror.

"Yeah?" I murmured as Mili remained standing behind me.

My girlfriend hummed, "Yeah, I take all the credit," she declared.

I couldn't help the amused laugh that fell from my lips, "Just like that?"

Mili didn't hesitate to nod as her stare held mine through the mirror, "Just like that."

I shook my head as I pursed my lips into a smile, "You're so soft for me, Milan—" I pressed my palms to the counter and purposefully bent over slightly, "I love it," I determined, knowing that she treated me like literal royalty.

Mili's eyes suddenly darted away from mine in the mirror to openly trail my body which was now suddenly bent over slightly.

"I am aren't I?" she murmured mostly to herself.

I felt a smirk tug at my lips, "Say it for me baby," I said, allowing my voice to grow softer.

Just like that, Mili's eyes met mine, and when her lips managed to twitch up slightly, I knew that she knew the game we were playing.

"I'm so soft for you and only you, Atiana," Mili didn't hesitate to say as her hands found their way onto my hips.

I gripped the sink slightly, suddenly feeling so warm by her words alone.

And now her warm touch managed to send goosebumps crawling down my body.

"Unzip me."

My words sounded calm and soft, yet you could look into my eyes and easily see how impatient she made me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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