Bad Hair Days & Smoothies

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LA was just how I had remembered it.

Even if I was only away for a little over three weeks, it seemed to feel like longer.

The remainder of our Ibiza trip turned out to be one of the best trips I had ever been on.

And Mili had managed to sneak me away only a few hundred times, but that still seemed like a low number for her.

Especially since Mya kept up with our group plans and dinners.

A long frustrated huff fell from my lips as my sore arms fell back by my side.

"Oh no, I recognize that look," Mya said as she entered the bathroom.

I forced a smile even if my hair was getting on my last nerve.

And Mili was going to be here soon.

And I still had to put on my heels and my jewelry —and spray perfume.

"Why can't my hair just cooperate with me?" I sighed out as I gripped the sink with irritation.

Mya tilted her head, "It looks really goo—or really bad?" she cut herself short when I gave her a narrowed look.

The last thing I wanted to hear was that it looks good.

Somehow that makes me more irritated.

I glanced down when Mya suddenly extended her strawberry smoothie that Akeyla made her.

We were currently at her parent's house in San Diego, which turned out to be the perfect mix of modern and Italian architecture.

The beach was also a few blocks away, which Mya and I had just come from hours ago.

It was our girl's day, so she had managed to fit in a spa day, a shopping trip, and a beach day all into one day.

"Take a sip—it might soothe your nerves," Mya offered as she waved the smoothie in front of me.

I let out a long calm sigh, taking the smoothie from her extended hand and taking a brief sip.

And while the smoothie was good and perfectly sweet, I still felt slightly irritated.

I just...

Tonight means a lot to me.

And maybe my hair not working out is a sign.

I let out a calm breath, knowing that I was spiraling, which would inevitably lead to overthinking.

As my therapist said, I need to flip the statement in a positive manner and figure out why I'm so worried.

I mean why am I so worried?

Worst case scenario, they don't like me... but what can I even do about that?

Nothing—and overthinking is definitely not going to change anything.

"This doesn't seem good."

My eyes almost instantly darted up to the mirror, noticing my girlfriend's presence by the door frame behind me.

Mya lazily raised her brows, "She's all yours," she said before promptly leaving the bathroom before she could do further damage.

Luckily, she didn't take her smoothie back, so that's a plus.

Mili walked to stand behind me as I sat the glass cup down on the marble sink, "What's going on?" she asked as her arms subtly slid around my waist.

I pursed my lips, "I'm having a bad hair day," I determined, mostly to myself.

Mili gave me a tilted look through the mirror, "You couldn't have a bad anything," she emphasized.

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