[09] Enemy Status

Start from the beginning

But maybe that was for the best. With enough time, it was possible that all sorts of things would trigger your memory and help you remember. And once you did, perhaps you would also find the key to getting rid of the system once and for all.

Yeah. It was a really, really good thing they couldn't read your thoughts.

"Fine," you said, pressing your lips into a thin line. "Let's say for the sake of argument that I believe you. So, how do I start training? Where would I even find weapons to use?"

["Well, that's a silly question. You're going to craft the weapons yourself, of course. Here. Let's start with something simple."]

[Craft Beginner-Level Baton?]


Is the beginner-level part really necessary? Well, whatever. I guess a baton isn't too difficult to use.

As always, you felt fatigue crash over you once you crafted the item, but it wasn't quite as intense as the previous instances. Maybe because up until now you'd been crafting furniture that was a lot larger? Perhaps the size and intricacy of the object were proportionate to the energy required. Or maybe your body was slowly getting used to all of this.

["How do you feel? Do you think you have it in you to craft a second object?"]

"I guess so," you nodded. "But why would I need to craft a second one? You're not going to make me train with two weapons at the same time, right?"

Instead of answering you, they created another pop-up.

[Craft Bakugou Katsuki Training Dummy?]



You didn't really know what to expect until you made your selection and a training dummy popped up in front of you-one that looked suspiciously similar to Katsuki. You assumed it had been fashioned in his likeness. It was kind of cute, but also kind of terrifying at the same time.

["I thought you would like to pretend like you were beating the crap out of him. I figured it would give you a motivation boost."]

Well. They weren't entirely wrong about that.

You poked the training dummy, which bobbed slightly in place. If it was the real Katsuki, he would have probably bitten your finger off by now.

The baton you'd just crafted was nestled in your other hand, and you gripped it tighter, allowing yourself to familiarize yourself with the feel of it.

Then, without even needing to be told anything, you used the baton to whack the Katsuki dummy across the face.

"Eat shit, asshole!" you cried out. "You think I wanted to kiss you? Of course not! So, what the hell are you getting mad at me for? And why are you such a dick to Izuku? Your personality sucks balls!"

This continued for quite a while longer, and by the end of your stress-relieving session, you were flushed in the face and panting heavily.

The system felt inclined to weigh in.

["Wow. That's a lot of pent-up anger."]

"Yeah, no shit!"

As much as you hated to admit that they were right, imagining Katsuki right in front of you did help you channel your frustration. It was awfully ironic, considering you were meant to pursue a romantic relationship with him, but so far, he hadn't given you much reason to think favorably of him. But maybe that would change over time. A part of you still felt like he wasn't as bad of a guy as he let on.

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