He was a boy and she was a girl can i make it anymore obvious

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[Alvinor Story]
[They are adults in this story]

Location:Alvin and Eleanor Apartment

Alvin is in the Living room playing video Games

Alvin: "Booo you suck."
*Alvin says to his opponent as he plays call of duty*

Roblox_gamer22: "No i dont!!"
"Give me a chance!"

*Alvin Grins and Shoots him with a sniper*
Alvin: "Noob."

Roblox_gamer22: "NO!!"

*Alvin would laugh to himself*
Alvin: "its always fun kicking kids butts in video games."

*Eleanor arrives home and unlocks the front door*
*Eleanor being a full blown tomboy now sporting a Short haircut a jacket baggy pants and some sneakers*

*Eleanor arrives home and unlocks the front door**Eleanor being a full blown tomboy now sporting a Short haircut a jacket baggy pants and some sneakers*

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[Clothes and hair]

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[Clothes and hair]

Eleanor: "Alvin im Home!"
*Eleanor Greets Alvin wirh Joy*
*Eleanor walks towards Alvin giving him a kiss on the cheek*

*Alvin grins*
Alvin: "Thanks babe."
"How was Coaching?"

Eleanor: "It was Good."
"How was playing Video games...like you do...everyday?"
*Eleanor says with a little irritation in her voice*

Alvin: "Great."
*Alvin says not noticing the slight irritation in her voice*

*Eleanor rolls her eyes*
Eleanor: "It would be nice if you at least helped around the house."

Alvin: "What do you mean?"
"I do do stuff around here."

Eleanor: "You cleaned one dish...thats it."

Alvin: "See cant say i didnt do anything."

Eleanor: "Thats not doing more Seville."

Alvin *I Groan*
"What do you want from me Women?"

Eleanor: "I dont know Alvin."
"Im the one who brings the bread home."
"It would be nice if you could..i dont know clean run errands thats all."

Alvin: "Alright Alright Fine."
"I'll clean and do some errands while you go and Coach."

Eleanor: *I Smile*
"Thank you."
*I kiss him*
"Now i will go make some dinner."

*Eleanor Makes some some Broccoli and Mushroom Afredo with some Garlic bread*

*Eleanor looks at Alvin and sees him on the couch watching TV*
*She then keeps cooking feeling abit bad for sounding harsh*

Eleanor: "Hey Al."

Alvin: "Yea Babe?"

Eleanor: "...Sorry for sounding abit Harsh im just...it would be nice to have some help around here."

Alvin: "Nah babe you're right i dont want you stressing to much you do work nearly everyday so me cleaning is the least i can do."

*Eleanor smiles*
Eleanor: "Thanks babe."
"I love you."

Alvin: "I love ya to babe."

Eleanor: 🎵"He was a boy."🎵

Alvin: 🎵"She was a Girl."🎵

Eleanor: 🎵"Can i make it anymore obvious?"🎵

Eleanor: 🎵"He was a punk."🎵

*Alvin grins*
Alvin: 🎵"And she did Ballet."🎵

Eleanor: "Eh i doubt that."

Alvin: 🎵"She turns on TV and Guess who she sees."🎵

Eleanor: 🎵"Skater boy rocking on Mtv."🎵

Alvin: "I did once!"

Eleanor: "Well twice."

Alvin: "Oh..yea right."

Alvin: *Sighs*
"Those were the days."

*30 mins later*
*Eleanor makes her and Alvin's Plates and takes it to him and sits down*

*Eleanor kisses Alvin on the cheek*

Eleanor: "Hey wanna watch the new season of Loki."

Alvin: "Heck yea."

*Eleanor puts on Disney plus*

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