The Faces From The Future

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Sitting around the Hall of Justice meeting table, all that could be heard was the tapping of Flash's foot against the ground. A fast paced, repetitive tap, tap, tap against the floor.

Superboy had left to call in Batman's sidekicks, both former and current.

Batman is still, so still that his chest barely moves to breath - most gargoyles would look livelier than Batman in this moment. Martian Manhunter isn't any better either, looking somewhere over by the doorway as though lost in thought.

Superboy, the Robins, Miss Martain; their existence enough to shake the foundation of some of the strongest heroes. Superman looks over to his shaken companions and finds himself inexplicably grateful. At least when his mystery relative popped up, he had been the only one experiencing a world shattering revelation at the time.

"You know..." Flash starts. "I'd like to ask him about the other heroes but honestly? I'm scared as to what his answer will be."

"Aren't we all?" Green Lantern sighs and looks at everyone in turn. "Manhunter, Batman, it's good to keep in mind this is an alternate universe. It's probable that these... acquaintances of yours don't exist in our world."

"For better or worse," Martian Manhunter replies.

"I'd toast to that!" Superman tries to smile; his team had been a steady pillar of support in his time of need, the least he can do is try to keep morale up while his teammates try and piece themselves back together.

Batman uncharacteristically snorts. His voice is trembling slightly, a pitch off to Kal's ears.

Hawkgirl and Diana look at each other. Diana leans forward, and starts to speak;

"Superboy shall be back soon. Batman, the vigilantes he will be bringing are associated with you. Do you wish to remain in the room or leave?" Her voice was filled with soft sympathy that, paired with the warm eyes of his teammates, purveyed their unspoken meaning effortlessly.

'We won't judge if you need to leave' is what their expressions so clearly meant. And for a moment, a very short moment, Batman considers it. He considers the Robin he has at home, wonders how one turned to two turned to three and then lets the thought die. It is obvious how it happened; just like how he took in his first Robin. Children, boys from the sound of it, who reminded him of himself. Ones he couldn't let fall into the darkness that permeated the streets of Gotham.

He would never let the shadowed underbelly of Gotham take another child's heart, no matter how many bones he needs to break or children he will need to take under the kevlar cape of the Bat.

"I'll stay."

"It's okay, you don't have to feel guil- what?" Diana blinks owlishly.

"I'll stay," he repeats. Diana sends him a grin after she recovers from her shock. Green Lantern raises his eyebrows quizzically.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty confident you're allergic to emotions, a reunion may be too much for you," it's said humorously but there is concern lurking in the depths of Lantern's green eyes.

"I'll be fine," Batman speaks confidently with the same surety he uses when discussing his varied arrange of gadgets and his rogue gallery's unique quirks.

Superman nods at Batman. He then looks over at Martian Manhunter,"J'ohn, I'm sorry that your... Miss Martian is away. Despite the stress that may come with being aware of an alternate relative's existence, it would have been nice for you to have had the choice to see her and interact with her."

Martian Manhunter raises a hand. "Do not worry, Kal. It is... somewhat upsetting but I am fine. As much as meeting another Martian would be... nice right now, we have more important matters on our plate."

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