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Kymani's pov-

two weeks later

Layla's surgery hadn't gone as planned and she was now in an induced coma after she had given birth to her baby which would've been her daughter. I had been by her side ever since i don't know what it was but there was something about Layla they drew me in and i couldn't fight it. i didn't want to fight it.

i walked into her room after going to get some food and she was still tied up to all the machines she looked the same every time i came in. i just wished that one day i would walk in and she would be back to normal, i wish i could see her smile that covers her whole face and those beautiful green eyes that lit up any room she walked into.

for a long time after i met Layla i didn't want to feel anything toward her or even get close to her because even before actually taking the time to get to know her i could tell she was fragile and any wring move could break her. i tried to stop those feelings developing towards her and even tried to deny it but she truly was what i was looking for she was my happiness, my peace and  i was lucky to have her.

if i'm being honest i don't even know how i manged to pull Layla i mean she was stunning and i knew i weren't ugly but fucking hell i was definitely punching. she was truly innocent and it was something i wasn't used to especially around here. i held her hand and she opened her eyes.

'hey' she said with a small smile and i looked up at her

'You good?' i asked her and she nodded her head i knew she was chatting shit but i'll let it slide anyways. 

'are you hungry' i asked her and she shook her head no before we both heard her stomach grumble and she covered her face up in embarrassment.

'here you go' i said as i passed her the Mcdonald's bag i brought earlier and she thanked me before pulling out the burger.

we sat down for a bit talking before the doctor came into the room   and started running tests on her i could see the anxiety rise in her so i put my hand on her knee and she put her hand over mine.

'okay so we've ran all the tests we need to so you are now free to go home if you want and if you need anything don't hesitate too call us okay' the doctor said smiling at us before walking out.

'can u get my bag over there please i wanna get out of here' she said and i nodded my head before going over and picking up her stuff.

she got up and she waited for me to come over before holding my hand and we walked out of the hospital i could feel her tense up as we walked past the maternity ward and she saw people with their babies.

'you good' i asked her and she nodded her head before walking out the hospital i opened the car door for her and she got in thanking me.

'you wanna go and see everyone' i asked her and she nodded her head and i gave her my phone so she could connect it to the bluetooth and play music. she started playing usher and i hummed along. i looked over at her and he was staring at me

'what' i asked her and she smiled

'you look pretty i mean like hands- you look good' she said as she stumbled oover her words and i let out a small chuckle.

'thankyou ma so do you' i said and she turned around facing the window trying to hide her blush.

'come on lets go' i said and she nodded her head and i went over to her side to open the door for her.

Layla's pov 

i walked into the house and everyone was sat down on the couch as soon as myles noticed me hr jumped up and ran into my arms like a baby making me laugh.

My peaceWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu