A Life on The Outside

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A.n: Some parts of the story will have gore so if you can't handle that I will warn you when it's coming up so you can skip to. Bakugo was eight when he gave birth so currently he's twelve and his bio-daughter is four since he gave birth four years ago. Enjoy

Bakugo sat in the same dirty cell he'd been in for four years. Still, it was not too bad since he had his daughter to keep him company, but the only problem was that since he had Keo'Tani the evil scientist kept hounding bakugo to give her to them so they could experiment on her as they did him and he won't let that happen. "Oh Kat won't you please give us your daughter, please Kat" the evil scientist begs with puppy eyes impatient-looking Rick crosses his arms with a cigarette wet between his lips. "No, I'm not giving you my daughter," Bakugo says stroking Keo'Tani's soft tan skin she got from her rapist of a father but he loves her with all his heart after all she's the only family he's got. At Bakugo's words, the evil doctor gives a glare at bakugos scared back as he says with a sneer "We will have your daughter one way or another that is our deal" his words anger Bakugo causing green fire to erupt from the tips of his long black horns the doctor so painfully gave to him. "You will never get my daughter! Never" Bakugo yelled standing up on wobbly legs since he had just taken a beating not too long ago and for this very reason, he was protecting his daughter. Bakugo put his daughter in the wooden box the facility gave to him to use as a makeshift bed, not giving a damn about the child unless they could use her as another piece of Project Spearhead. Bakugo turned to Rick and the scientist, huge black and white ombre wings spread blocking their view of anything behind him, his fury ever growing as bright electric green fire covers the wall but not hot enough to burn anything since his daughter is sleeping in the wooden box behind him. 

"If you ever land your filthy hands on my daughter,"  Bakugo says as the fire grows towards the front of his cage where Rick and the scientist stood unimpressed and bored by bakugo's display "I will kill you, and that is a promise I damn well intend to keep" Bakugo yells as green fire licks up his onyx black horns making them appear longer and sharper than they already were.

 The doctor sighed "Rick, if you'll put the dog down" "Finally" Rick sighed just wanting a cigarette, he pulled a small black remote from his pocket and pressed a green on the little black remote, sending an electric shock through a thick leather orange shock collar not-so-gracefully forced upon him when he arrived at the facility. A soft buzz could be heard throughout Bakugos cage as electricity was sent through the collar and to his neck starting to burn and blister the skin underneath the leather collar. "AaaAaAAAaaAaA makes it stop, make it stop, please make it stop" Bakugo pleaded the pain he felt was too much for his beaten skeletal body, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as they watched as Bakugo squirmed and thrashed in pain as ctrickle of crimson seeped out from his leather collar, but the scientist to enthralled by the pleasure they gained by seeing Bakugo writhed in pain, they happen to miss the small sharp ice spear shooting at them an icy wind following the spear as it shot through the bars of the cage and hitting Rick in hand and piercing his hand causing him to drop the small remote in his hands, ultimately stopping Bakugos agony. Rick cradling his bleeding hand, spits a big white glob of mucus onto Bakugos cheek right before walking away muttering curses about kids.

 "Such a vulgar man, huh Kat," the doctor says with a playful persona like he didn't have an orgasm from watching Bakugo in pain, "well what do you say Kat you feel like giving us the honor of playing with your daughter" 

"Never" Bakugo managed to squeeze out still gasping and wheezing for air. The doctor did not like this answer as his once playful demeanor hardened to a cold chilling attitude. In a swift movement, the pudgy doctor squats down at the front of the bar and grabs at Bakugos face roughly, his dirty yellow nails into his skin digging into his skin as his prominent coffee breath fans in his face. "You will give us your daughter whether you like it or not, and when we do finally get our hands on her whether she has it easy or not is up to you,"  the doctor says his final peace giving one final rough squeeze to his face before walking off, his shiny black shoes that will forever haunt Bakugos memories trailing off. "Mommy!" Keo' Tani wails with fat tears running down her tran cheeks as she runs to Bakugo immediately nuzzling her small cheek onto his and immediately Bakugo tiredly lifted a huge black and white ombre wing over her small body giving a warmth she had only gained when with Bakugo. With a heavy cracked voice,

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