{ 𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆 }

Start from the beginning

Should a story be composed about Ebony and Jorja, they themselves would be each others narrators of their mutual tale. They were the remedy to each other's tribulations, consistently elevating one another without ever instigating a downfall. Their affection was one of one, the strongest army soldiers in the world couldn't shatter the barrier they created to safeguard their love from the evil of the world.

They vowed to one another that their love transcended the mere symbolism of a ring. To them, the bond they shared was not a commodity to be purchased, but a connection that stretched beyond the material realm. Although neither woman had envisioned marriage in their future, destiny had crafted a different narrative, one they admired.

Advice from A//, Jorja and Ebony to you imparts that regardless of life's challenging trials, perseverance is key. Even when the life you yearn for feels unattainable, do not let despair bury your aspirations further beneath the earth. Stretch your thoughts to their utmost expanses and venture beyond society boundaries. Place no restrictions upon your potential.

If Ebony and Jorja could do it, you could too.

In the event that you find yourself entrenched in life's most deepest holes, hold onto the hope that life's tide can shift as unexpectedly for the better as it once did for what appeared as the worse. Jorja and Ebony were faced with an endless horizon of growth, and they embraced that journey wholeheartedly. Their greatest asset was in their shared growth, supporting one another through the rollercoaster of life's fortunes.

Ebony arched her neck towards the heavens, her movements confined to a restless pacing back and forth within the walls of the dressing room. Each breath was a mingling of anticipation and anxiety, filling her to the brim as she awaited the defining knock upon the door—the confirmation that it were time for her to walk down that aisle.

Clutching her fan, Ebony's panicked movements came to a sudden halt, her heart plummeting to the pits of her stomach. As she turned, the door creaked open, unveiling Mariah, her chosen escort. Mariah, the one who had weathered every storm alongside Ebony since their high school days, stood there in the door admiring the view of her beautiful, soon to be married best friend.

"I-Is it time?" Ebony nervously asked.

With a soft giggle, Mariah dismissed the question with a shake of her head, quietly shutting the door behind her. She approached Ebony, guiding her to the nearest seat—a silent bid to soothe her frayed nerves. Mariah, ever the perceptive friend, knew Ebony's inner nerves would be at its peak. Unwrapping a straw, she gently placed it into a water bottle and held it to Ebony's lips, ensuring a careful sip that wouldn't risk the perfection of her lipstick.

A serene hush enveloped the room, the weight of the impending day settling over them like a soft blanket. Mariah's smile bloomed with nostalgia as she broke the quiet, "Do you remember that day when we both attempted to skip class for the first time ever and we barely made it out of the door before the campus police escorted us back inside?" The memory danced in her eyes, a shared moment from their treasure of high school.

"Of course I remember! How could I forget when you were the one who got us caught with your big mouth?" Ebony groaned, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. She playfully nudged Mariah's side, relishing in the shared memory.

"When I see a fine ass man, I'm going to tell it as it is." Mariah's shrugged, a gesture that made Ebony scoff and shake her head at her friend's directness. The lack of filter was what Ebony cherished most about Mariah—her unapologetic, free-spirited nature.

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