Chapter 5 | Tick

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Tajin had already dragged out half the bodies by the time Leeroy's power nap was finished. Leeroy pushed himself off the ground, his knee and shoulder aching from being shot. But surprisingly, it didn't feel like any bones had been broken. It just felt like the hard, outer coating had been crushed and cracked. Being reincarnated as a fly had its perks.

He twitched his wings a bit and stood up, grabbing Tooth from off the couch and dragging his dead, limp body outside.

"I'm guessing this isn't your first time witnessing death?" Leeroy asked in response to Tajin's mediocre reaction to dragging bodies out of the house. Tajin shrugged.

"They'll come back. There's only one way a person can die permanently here—and that's by getting exterminated by an angel. 'Sides, it's not like I liked any of these guys anyway," he said, picking up the last of the dead goons and throwing them into an over-stuffed, putrid-smelling dumpster.

Leeroy walked back into the house, picking up a broom and sweeping the rest of the room. Broken glass, bones, blood, and flesh chunks decorated the room, but Halloween wasn't for another 4 months.

"If they're coming back then I guess we better find somewhere else to hide, huh?" Leeroy finally said, brushing off the counter. He picked up the stolen laptop box and wiped the remaining blood off.

"Mi papa is what we call un puto cobarde. He probably thinks you're insane for even daring to stand up against him, so he won't be coming back," Tajin said, finally turning and raising an eye at Leeroy. "But seriously, why would you stick around to save me? You could have died."

Leeroy laughed nervously. He ran his fingers through his hair and walked to the sink, turning the tap on. After sputtering for a few seconds, water the color of dirt spat out of the tap. It smelled like death. Leeroy turned the tap off.

"I'm going to go scope out the rest of the house and get settled in, alright?" he said, picking up the laptop again and walking through a doorway.

"I'll come with, just to see if there's a bedroom for me... and... what's the holdup?"

Leeroy had stopped moving, using his hands to count the doors. There were three.

The two of them stood in silence. Tajin opened a door, only to reveal a dirty old bathroom. He opened another, but it was nothing more than another cleaning closet full of unopened products. Only one other door remained.

'There's only one bedroom," Leeroy whispered.

"I'm 21," Tajin said, suddenly. "You asked earlier, and I died when I was 21."

Leeroy looked back at Tajin; his expression unreadable yet in a smile. "That helps," he said, his voice funny. "I'm 3 years older than you."

"Wouldn't I be older than you? Because I died way before you did, and... eugh, what is that smell?" Tajin noted, a smell of bad decisions and long nights wafting through the air. Leeroy's nose scrunched up and began buzzing again as he approached the bedroom door and slowly creaked it open.

The smell originated from the bedroom, there was no doubt about it. Leeroy pulled the door open all the way and revealed the source of the smell.

On the queen-sized bed laid a 50-something-year-old sinner. She looked like a stout dragon, just a few inches shorter than Leeroy (a staggering 6'2"), only instead of wings protruding from her back, they took place as her arms. Her skin was a dark blue with lighter blue spots covering her entire body, which was mostly on display. Her mouth hung open with saliva dribbling out, and her nostrils occasionally emitted a loud snoring sound. She loosely gripped a bottle in her hand and wore a too-short tank-top with some homemade knock-off version of the Vee's symbol embroidered on it. A pair of torn-up sweatpants covered her legs, clearly thrifted from a dumpster.

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