Chapter 2 | Welcome to Hell

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After the crushing pain, there was quiet. Peace and tranquility washed over Leeroy—a feeling he had never gotten acquainted with while he was still alive. He couldn't feel his body at all. Everything was black, warm, and empty. But then the sounds of a city faded into the background. It got closer, louder, and finally Leeroy felt himself laying on the hard pavement of Pentagram City.

"Get out of the way, drunkard, we're coming through!" an old man yelled. Leeroy jumped off the ground and scurried to the sidewalk just in time to avoid getting run over by a wagon being pulled by very inappropriately dressed men. Leeroy could see them drive far away, in fact, he felt like he could see everything.

His peripheral vision had increased to nearly twice what he had been used to on Earth. He pulled a hand up and waved it behind where an ear should have been and just stared. Even though his vision pointed in front of him, he could see his now black, pointed, shiny fingers waving at him. He stuck his hand in front of him. Then, his other hand. Then he moved his other-other hand, and yet still another remained.

"I have four now?" Leeroy moved his arms around. They were all skinny, black, and coated in exoskeleton-copycat that made them shiny. Something twitched on his back, as well. Leeroy ran over to the nearest shop with a window and looked at the low-quality reflection of himself.

What the hell.

Not only did he now have four arms, one of which bared a heart-shaped birthmark that he had had while he was alive, he also had a pair of wings resembling those of a fly, fluffy green hair, antennae sticking out of said hair, and his big red eyes nearly took up half his light gray face and bulged out of the sides. They didn't even have pupils! They were just big red things that could apparently see twice as much as a human could.

Leeroy grabbed a hold onto his face while his second pair of arms felt around his torso. While he did so, a soft, buzzing sound emitted from his new nose. He touched that, too. His face shape had changed, too. It had become more heart-shaped, closely resembling that of a fly's. He wondered for a moment why his face was a different color than the rest of his body.

Despite all this, he had failed to notice that behind the window that he started into sat a buff red demon in a wife-beater shirt. He stared aggressively back at Leeroy before picking up a clothing rack beside him and throwing it, full force, through the window.

Leeroy's wings buzzed and pulled him off the ground in surprise.

"You got a fuckin' problem, bro?!" The sinner yelled, picking up a shard of broken glass and throwing it at Leeroy, who blocked it with his arm and flew higher. "What'cha staring at me with those big-ass bug eyes for??"

Leeroy's eye twitched, and the buzzing got louder. He took a deep breath and collected himself.

"Well?!" The sinner demanded, baring his sharp teeth as if he were some kind of animal.

Leeroy ran his hand through his hair and smiled as sweet as he could muster. "Can you really blame a guy for staring at you? I mean, look at yourself. Who wouldn't want a piece of that?" He flexed his pathetic little stick arms. "You've got the muscles, the skin tone, and your teeth... they're just so..." he mimicked the sound of a French kiss.

The sinner grimaced but let down his weapons. "Compliments get you nowhere in this shit hole. Whatever, this ain't worth my time." He crawled back into the window and resumed shopping, the ruckus he had caused clearly not bothering anyone else.
Leeroy continued to smile sweetly until the sinner had completely vanished from his sight. His wings gently let him back on the ground. He looked at the clothing rack that the sinner had chucked out the window and picked up a green shirt T-shirt. Using his sharpened fingers, he ripped two holes in the shirt's side to make way for his second pair of arms and a hole in the back for his wings.

Finally, he had some clothes to wear.

Leeroy finally started taking in his surroundings. The streets were filled with people in all shapes and sizes, though most of them had a reddish color scheme. Pointed fingers and sharp teeth were a common trait among all of them, as well.

They were murdering each other, having sex in public, straight up robbing people, etc. This was just like prison. Used heroin needles, empty bags of crack, broken-off teeth, and blood stains all lined the streets perfectly. The sky covered everything with a deep crimson pentagram.

Everything was so red. Off in the distance, however, there was a giant tower with three Vs situated next to each other as a logo. It contrasted against the sky with its deep blue and pink exterior, lined with a more electric version of the color. Leeroy flew up again to get a better view of the building, focusing his eyes on a window. Without him even meaning to, his focus on the happenings grew perfect.

A fashionista with bright, exciting hair was yelling at more sinners over outfits. Another fashion-forward fellow with heart glasses and a stature that would put Goliath to shame walked into the room. He smoked a pipe and puffed out red heart-shaped smoke trails.

Leeroy had to close his eyes. Focusing on something so far away strained his brain. He smiled and laughed softly to himself. Spying on people would be so much easier now. His smile grew wider, and he dropped himself off in a more populated street. His wings vibrated with excitement and his nose continued to make that annoying buzzing sound as Leeroy took in every single person that walked past him.

This one looked dangerous, that one looked fun, the one over there seemed a little shy... Leeroy did his best to hide his excitement. The fact that he had died no longer bugged him. He still had no clue where he was, but... did that really matter?

A store displaying TVs outside the window drew Leeroy's attention as a rectangle-faced sinner appeared on screen.

"VoxTech, a name you can trust! Now introducing VoxTube! You can upload videos of yourself for the rest of Hell to see!" An ad for something very closely resembling YouTube appeared, showing clips of various sinners committing crimes alongside clips of others doing stupid things or recording little kids saying all sorts of insane things.

Everyone's eyes went dizzy, waves of blue washing over them as if they were under some kind of mind control. Everyone except for Leeroy. He took a step back and stared at everyone who was just mindlessly staring at the screens, their mouths slightly open with a bit of drool dangling off their lips.

"Trust us with your safety," the TV finally said, and in an instant, everyone whipped out their phones and downloaded the new VoxTube app.

With everyone still under mind control, Leeroy took the opportunity to take a few dollars from each person without any of them noticing. He stopped himself from getting distracted by a video of a conventionally attractive young woman doing unspeakable things to a walking definition of "Discord Mod," and finally managed to steal a few thousand hell-bucks.

He walked into the store and smiled. Glowing, shining, perfectly positioned was exactly what he had hoped to find—a laptop. It had the same triple V logo on it that the building had carried, etched into its silver back. He grabbed a box and brought it to the counter where a little imp in a white suit was manning the counter.

"Is that all? Just a LapVox? You reek of the human world. Don't you think you should be getting a phone?" she said, her tone snarky.

"A LapVox?" Leeroy repeated, involuntarily imagining the TV man sitting on his lap. His nose started buzzing again, so he pinched it and wiped any and all blush off his face. "Aha.. no, just this is fine. Do I really smell that bad?"

"It's. Unbearable," she remarked, waving her hand in front of her face and pulling her face for effect. "You can see the number on the screen, just pay up and get out of here."

"Right, sorry," Leeroy flipped through the stolen bills before dumping them all on the counter. "Well, I hope your day is wonderful! See you later~" he sang, leaving the store before she could notice that he didn't leave enough money.

By the time she chased him out, he flew through the sky, looking for a place to live.
The imp rolled her eyes. "What. Ever."

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