Chapter 5

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(Seyun's Perspective)

Surrounded by such a familiar yet serene landscape immediately brought me to a place of ease. The deep blue sea stretched across me, with a few clouds dotting the sky. The waves crashed against the shore gently. Only a few people were around, making the beach even more perfect.

"This has to be your best idea ever," I called to the boy beside me.

"But you don't even know what I have planned next." He humored.

The sand crunched beneath my now bare feet as I moved towards the water. A figure shot past me and Chenle screamed, "Last one to the water buys the other ice cream." 

Motivated by the promise of free ice cream, I started running towards the water too, full of laughter barely containing my excitement.

(Chenle's Perspective)

I walked a sulking Seyun to the nearest ice cream stand. With a frown on her face and wind blowing her hair in all different directions. She had sworn not to talk to me. Highly amused, I had listened to her reasoning about how I cheated by having a headstart.

The server greeted us with a smile and asked, "What can I get for you today?"

"A chocolate cone," I prompted the girl, "And you?"

Taken aback she replied, "Anything would do."

With the water barely past our ankles, we walked across the beach. The setting sun casted a warm, amber hue across the sky. The last rays of sunlight vanished beneath the horizon, leaving behind a palette of soft pastels, a symphony of colors unfolds across the sky. Streaks of colours intertwined with wisps of cotton candy clouds.

Ice creams long forgotten, we talked about anything and everything. I had always been quite loquacious, being the one talking in every scenario. But, for the first time in forever, I didn't mind listening.

She was ranting about how her favorite drink was not available anywhere near her house anymore. Engaging with the same amount of enthusiasm, I promised her to keep an eye out for the drink to which she laughed in reply.

I don't think I have appreciated the sound of laughter as much as I do now after meeting her. Her eyes turned into little crescent moons, smile lines evident and gummy smile on display. I was sure that this scene would always be engraved in my mind.

"Today has to be one of the best days of my life," she concluded.

I asked, "Really?"

She nodded. "I haven't felt so happy in a while," 

I turned to look at her. Her eyes were glossy as she was staring at a family. Cheerful children chasing each other across the beach as their parents fondly looked at them.

"Thank you, Chenle." Her voice coated in sincerity.

"Thank you for saying yes."

The peaceful ambience was interrupted by our stomachs rumbling in unison. Inducing laughter from both of us. 

"Let's go," I called out to her.

"Where?" she questioned.

"Dinner, dummie."

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