Chapter 11

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(Jisung's Perspective)

I was waiting for Seyun's class to end, excited to finally spend time with her after a while. She saw me occasionally peeking in and laughed, signaling me to wait for her a bit longer. 

"Ji," she called,  pulling me in to a hug. I hugged her back, burying my face in her nape. 

 I had grown up with Seyun. She had been by my side through thick and thin, she was my safe place. She was the one who had stood up to my bullies and wiped my tears when my pet hamster died. 

I was glad to have her to myself, no matter how selfish that sounded. She had been busy with Chenle, sometimes even too busy. I didn't have a strong opinion about him earlier but seeing how he was getting close to Seyun fast, I had to do something.

And there he was, sporting his famous smile that exuded confidence, waving Seyun to come to him. Realizing how I wasn't following, she interlocked our arms and pulled me along.

Chenle's eyes drifted to how close we physically were and he started talking away, discussing about their next "date", Seyun equally excited.

"-somewhere fun, like a haunted house or something," 

"I am shit scared of those," he laughed along.

"Wait, shit no, it's our 13th anniversary today," I interrupted, looking at Seyun. "We have already not spent any time together these days, and you'll not stay with me today too?" Betrayal evident in my accusatory tone.  

Guilt flashed in Seyun's eyes. "I.. I didn't know you felt like that Ji, and I'm so sorry I forgot,"

Chenle cut in, "We could go to a rock climbing gym or something," Seyun nodded along.

'we'? who did he think he was? 

"I could ask some of my friends to come along as well," he mused.

"That would be fantastic," she clapped her hands, looking at me for validation.

After biding goodbye to Chenle, Seyun and I walked to our next shared class together. She was happy, slightly bouncing around, chatting freely.

"I'm so glad you two get along well, I don't know what I would do if you didn't," she joked.


"So where have you two been yet, like the dates," I asked.

"Well, we've been to a restaurant once, that was so awkward I walked out, so we went to a park instead. Then we went to the beach and it was absolutely perfect," she marveled. "And yesterday, we went to Minhee's favorite dog shelter, and even though we saw Jihoon, it was all fine,"

"Hmm, that's nice."

"I saw you yesterday," I saw after a while.


"Yesterday at the end of school, when you were hugging him." She looked at me, wondering where this was leading to.

 "I know how hard it was for you and I am just glad you had someone." The genuineness of my words was apparent and she smiled at me.

"Thank you, Ji, I am really sorry about today though, I know you were hoping for something with just us but I really want you to get along with Chenle,"

"I really enjoy spending time with him and I guess I want my best friend to like him too,"

"I'll try, Yun, for you." I promised.


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