Chapter 8

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(Seyun's Perspective)

"I feel so guilty. Guilty for being happy with you, guilty for not remembering her birthday, guilty for forgetting her,"

"I had gotten so caught up in you, and I don't know what to do anymore," I confessed.

Chenle pulled me towards himself, his hand cradled my head while the other held me tight against him by my waist. His loving gesture took me aback. I slowly gave in to him and hugged him, unable to maintain my composure any longer.

I gripped him tightly as if I never wanted to let go.

"What did your sister like to do?" he inquired.

"You seriously don't need to do this-"

"But I want to," he pleaded. "I don't want you to stay alone today,"

His sincere eyes looked at mine, overwhelming me. His arms were still around me as he held me at a distance to look at me better. I didn't know him well, but I was happy to have a friend like him.

I usually didn't volunteer information about my sister to people this effortlessly. He had a way of making people feel at ease. I had only talked to a few people about this, Jisung being my most frequent confidant, but I had a feeling this would soon change.

"She liked- no, loved animals. I guess I grew fond of them because of her," I reminisced. "Our mom was allergic, so we could never get a pet. That's why Minhee and I used to go to the animal shelter a lot,"

"I've never been to the shelter since it happened though," I whispered.

"Would you want to go to the shelter with me today?" He asked, his genuine voice reverberating around me. He slowly let go of me and I immediately missed his warmth.

I nodded and in response his hand wrapped around mine.

(Jisung's Perspective)

I was rushed through the school hallway, slightly pushing away people and muttering a series of sorry's. The last period of the day had just finished and I had to get to Seyun. The previous months had been tough for her. She had been extremely close to her sister and as if her absence wasn't enough, the poor girl had to watch her die.

Seyun was disturbed, to say the least. A soulless persona had replaced her rather carefree personality. It had taken her months to finally talk to me about the incident. With time, she slowly started talking to people again, she started to smile again and I couldn't be happier.

In my haste, I had nearly missed her classroom. Before I could enter, I heard soft voices and muffled cries through the room.

"I don't know what to do anymore," a voice I knew too well whispered, I finally saw Seyun and my hand wrapped around the doorknob. She was suddenly embraced by a guy. His frame was all too familiar.


I saw Seyun hug him back, her arms tight around him as she buried her face in his nape. His arm cradled her head and he pulled her even closer.

An unfamiliar feeling coursed through me. I walked away from the classroom with heavy steps. A thousand thoughts flew through my mind and I couldn't get the image of what I saw out of my mind. 

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