"K-" She can't even get out his name, her body shaking so much in his grasp that she may be having a seizure. The more she struggles to breathe, the more she panics which makes her hyperventilate even more. He pulls her frame away from his, holding her out so her can look at her. The second she feels him move she sobs harder, attempting to pull him close by the grip on his robe, not wanting to lose her only comfort in this moment. She's not weak but, she certainly isn't strong compared to her boyfriend and he can very easily resist her to stay at an arms length.

"I know. I know." He acknowledges that she doesn't want him to pull away. "I'm not going anywhere but you need to breathe, my love." He says, and she shakes her head desperately, not caring about anything besides him being close. "Look at me." Kylo says, his voice soft and comforting. She can't. The only thing she can do is sob, her eyes closed tightly as she cries. "Look at me." He says again, this time much more demanding. She forces her eyes open, his dark eyes meeting hers. "Breathe." He pleads, grabbing her wrist and prying her hand off of his chest before pressing it right back against him, now with her palm flat on his chest. He places his hand over hers, breathing in slowly. "Breathe with me." She tries, only to be cut off with a sob yet he still nods in approval, encouraging her to try again. She tries again, this time continuing even as her breath hiccups the entire inhale. She holds it for a moment, letting out an incredibly shaky, almost sobbing, exhale. "There you go. Just like that. Keep breathing with me." He encourages and she does. Slowly but surely her breathing is less interpreted. "Good girl. Just keep breathing, darling." He praises as she continues to follow his breaths. Eventually her sobs slow to small hiccups and she is breathing at her own pace. The second she can breathe on her own, Kylo pulls her back into a hug. She gratefully seeks solace in her lover's arms, resting her head against her chest and snaking her arms around his neck. He hold her tightly, allowing her time to recover. "I've got you, baby girl." He coos. "You're safe." She smiles at his words, wrapping her arms tighter around his neck, moving her body around so she is on his lap and can be even closer. She faces him and burrows her face into his neck, her legs hanging on either side of his large thighs. He soothes his hands up and down her lower back, supporting her so she doesn't have to hold herself up. She continues to cry though now it is much more controlled. They just sit like that for a while, him comforting her through her tears until she is no longer crying at all.

"Ky?" Her cracked voice is nothing more than a high pitched whine. She sniffles.

"Yes?" His voice is so soft that you would think he is trying not to wake a sleeping baby.

"Thank y-you." She says, a soft hiccup interrupting her.

"You don't need to thank me. It's my job to protect you." He hesitated before asking what he was waiting to ask, not wanting to send her spiraling again. "Do you want to talk about it?" He questioned, continuing to rub soft patterns on her back. He was pretty sure he already knew exactly what it was about. She only ever got like that about one topic.

"Had a nightmare. My dad." She mumbled, so quietly that he almost didn't hear it and he can tell the words brought tears to her eyes again. He hears the way her voice wavers and her breath hitches, crying softly into his neck. If Kylo could sacrifice his own life to bring back her dad, he would. Not to save his life, no, he would do it just to kill him in the most painful way he can imagine. Her father got off too easy with how he died. Suicide. Fucking coward.

"I..." He didn't know what to say. Kylo has known her even before she knew her dad and still he never knows how to console her about her father. It's not an easy topic to talk about.

After her mother died, she moved in with her father. When Ben found out her father was hitting her, he was ready to kill him but she begged him not to. She didn't want blood on her name, even if it was deserved. At that time he had never killed anyone. She couldn't be the reason for it so instead, she moved in with him and his parents. And when he left to become Kylo, she left with him. It wasn't till years after he killed himself that she opened up about the other things her father did to her. She knew that if Kylo had found out that her father violated her in that way, no amount of begging would save him.

"I should have killed him when I had the chance." He growls, causing her to immediately shake her head on his neck.

"No." She insists, sniffing. "Please don't blame yourself." She begs.

"I should have known."

"Stop." She says as sternly as she can through her shaky voice though it comes out as more of a sob. "T's not your fault." She mumbles out. He just hugs her tighter, soothing away all the pain. She nuzzles into him and the two sit silently like that for what could be hours or minutes.

"I love you, Kylo." She breaks the silence. He is the only one in the world who makes her feel safe.

"I love you, little one."

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