Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I waited with crossed arms and a patient expression but he couldn't come up with a valid reason, "See? There is nothing wrong with Mikey. She can date Mikey, you can date Mikey, we can all date Mikey." His face contorts in confusion and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't give me that look, my point is— there's nothing wrong with this boy so you're not going to go around killing any middle schoolers."

He stares at me skeptically for a moment remaining silent as his fists slowly turned to open palms.

"...People don't generally have the ability to calm me down."

He gazes at me for a few seconds more before walking over to his window and opening it, motioning with his head for me to follow him and climb out.

I narrow my eyes and throw my hands up in confusion at the sudden change but sigh and oblige, climbing out carefully so I wouldn't fall to my death. It seemed like there was more to discuss and I didn't mind sitting here with him.

We sat for a while on the warm roof tiles and it was silent. I couldn't tell if the silence was awkward or comfortable. I was still relatively new to this whole "people" thing, but I like to believe I was getting much better at it.

Eventually I break the silence, "So five or six years into the future what do you see?"

I didn't really like to think about my future often because I didn't know where it led. I didn't know what I wanted, where I wanted to be, or who I wanted to be with.

"Are you a therapist now Cortez?"
"Therapist. That's a good job, I'm pretty sure they make good money right?"

He eyes me weirdly while chuckling before staring off towards the night sky.

"Five or six years? I'm probably playing professional baseball. Most likely drive a Lambo. Big house— you're in it, yelling like always."

I watch him as he talks analyzing his body language rather than listening intently, which resulted in me missing his ending statements. Once he was done I turned to look back at the night sky, spinning the ring on my finger mindlessly.

"What's wrong Cortez? Why are you so quiet?"
"Are you saying I'm usually loud?"
"Yes." I laugh then fade out again.

When you're young you wish you could just grow up, once you grow up you wish you were little. I like being somewhat grown up but I was afraid to keep growing because I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do after this.

"What are you thinking about?"
"A lot."
"I would like to be in your head for once."
"Trust me, you don't want to get stuck in my head."

He sighs grabbing a hold of my hand and pulling me so I would scoot closer to him.

"What's going on?"
"I'm just thinking." He sighed and I had to admire how much patience he had with me, "About?"

I let out a huge breath closing my eyes, laying my head on his shoulder. I could tell it bothered him when he couldn't decipher my feelings or thoughts.

"You already know what you want from life. You're set on what you want to do and I'm not. Up until now I've just guessed and made sudden decisions, you know—the stupid ten feet. At this age people expect you to know everything. I'm scared ten feet won't cut it anymore... Adults expect you to reach for ten yards or miles."

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