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A/N : this has curently 7897 words and I'll add more , read at ur own risk

In a realm where the sky met the earth,
Where dreams took flight and tales found birth,
Lived Crowdy, a baby crow, so bold,
With wings of ebony, stories untold.

In the woods, where shadows dance,
He embarked on a journey, a daring chance.
With each flap of his wings, he soared,
In search of adventures, his spirit roared.

Amongst the trees, he met a sight so rare,
A white baby fox, beyond compare.
Roxy Foxy, with eyes bright and keen,
A gleam of mischief, a spirit serene.

Their friendship sparked, a bond so pure,
Together they roamed, of that they were sure.
Through meadows green and valleys deep,
They ventured forth, their secrets to keep.

But fate had more in store for Crowdy and Roxy,
As they stumbled upon a creature so boxy.
Lionel the rabbit, with fur black as night,
Hopping with grace, a curious sight.

Three souls intertwined, in the forest's embrace,
Their adventures unfolded, at a steady pace.
They chased fireflies and danced in the rain,
Each moment cherished, free from restrain.

With Crowdy's wit, Roxy's charm,
And Lionel's wisdom, free from harm,
They faced challenges, big and small,
United they stood, never to fall.

From daring escapades to quiet reprieve,
Their friendship blossomed, they'd never leave.
Through moonlit nights and sun-kissed days,
They laughed and played, in countless ways.

As seasons passed, they grew and learned,
Their bond unbreakable, forever churned.
For in each other, they found their light,
Guiding them through the darkest night.

So let their tale be a testament true,
Of friendship's power, ever anew.
For in the heart of the forest, where dreams take flight,
Crwdy, Roxy, and Lionel, shine bright.

In the heart of the forest, where shadows play,
Their friendship blossomed, come what may.
Through trials and tribulations, they stood tall,
Their bond unyielding, never to fall.

With every sunrise and each sunset's glow,
Their adventures continued to grow.
Exploring the depths of the enchanted wood,
In search of wonders, they eagerly stood.

Their laughter echoed through the trees,
As they danced with the autumn leaves.
Roxy's tail flicked with sheer delight,
As Crowdy cawed under the moon's soft light.

Lionel hopped along with a knowing smile,
Guiding them through every mile.
With his keen senses and gentle grace,
He led them to many a secret place.

They stumbled upon a hidden glen,
Where fairies danced with feathered pen.
Tiny creatures of magic and light,
Dancing and swirling through the night.

Mesmerized by the enchanting sight,
They joined the dance with sheer delight.
Their hearts intertwined with fairy song,
As they danced together all night long.

With dawn's first light, they bid adieu,
Promising to return, their friendship true.
For in that glen, amidst the glow,
They found a love that continued to grow.

As winter's chill embraced the land,
They huddled close, hand in hand.
Sharing stories by the fireside's glow,
Their laughter warming the cold night's blow.

In the quiet of the snowy morn,
They ventured forth, no longer torn.
Through icy streams and frosty glades,
They journeyed on, undeterred by shades.

With each passing day, their bond grew strong,
Facing whatever challenges came along.
Together they braved the fiercest storm,
Their friendship the truest form.

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